Resources and Results

Passionate about becoming a pediatric emergency care coordinator (PECC)?

Explore resources to support a quality improvement project to become a PECC. These resources have been divided by track (prehospital practitioners, nurses & other health care providers, physicians & advanced practice providers, or state/territory EMSC programs).

Slides can be used by past participants or anyone dedicated to improving pediatric emergency care - benefit from the collaborative knowledge and experiences, contributing to broader efforts beyond the collaborative.

Information by focus area

The Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator Guide



Further Reading

Patient Safety & Family-Centered Care Guide



Further Reading

Equipment, Supplies & Medications Guide


Pocket Cards/Dosing Guides

Recommended by Collaborative Participants

Equipment Grant Opportunities

Local EMSC Program

EMS Grants (EMS1)

EMS Grants Help (EMS1)

Funding Sources (NAEMT)

Gary Sinise Foundation

First Watch -Getting Grants

Lexipol Grant Services

Save Injured Kids

Firehouse Subs Foundation

Equipment Lists & Kits

2020 Emergency Department Checklist

Recommended Essential Equipment for Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support Ground Ambulances 2020: A Joint Position Statement

Pediatric Transport Products for Ground Ambulances, V2.2 (NASEMSO, 2020)

Wisconsin EMSC Pediatric Comfort Kit

Pediatric Readiness Toolkits

ED Pediatric Readiness Toolkit

Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Toolkit


Further Reading

Institute of Medicine. 1993. Emergency Medical Services for Children. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

● Institute of Medicine. 2007. Emergency Care for Children: Growing Pains. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

EMS for Children Performance Measures: Implementation Manual for State Partnership Grantees. 2017.

● Fraley, M. 5 Reasons to Do Your Rig Checks. 2020.

● Gausche-Hill, M., et al., A National Assessment of Pediatric Readiness of Emergency Departments. JAMA Pediatrics, 2015. 169(6): p. 527-534

● Lyng, J., et al., Recommended Essential Equipment for Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support Ground Ambulances 2020: A Joint Position Statement. Pediatrics, 2021. 147(6): p. e2021051508

● Remick, K., et al., Resource Document: Coordination of Pediatric Emergency Care in EMS Systems. Prehospital Emergency Care, 2017. 21(3): p. 399-407

Policies & Procedures Guide



Further Reading

Care Team Competencies Guide


From Dr. Auerbach's Simulation presentation


Further Reading

Communication & Collaboration Guide



Sample Elevator Pitch for Pediatric Readiness

Further Reading

  • Remick, K., et al., Pediatric Readiness in the Emergency Department. Annals of emergency medicine, 2018. 72(6): p. e123-e136.
  • Owusu-Ansah, S., et al., Pediatric Readiness in Emergency Medical Services Systems. Pediatrics, 2020. 145(1).
  • Moore, B., et al., Pediatric Readiness in Emergency Medical Services Systems. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2020. 75(1): p. e1-e6.
  • Gausche-Hill, M., et al., A National Assessment of Pediatric Readiness of Emergency Departments. JAMA Pediatrics, 2015. 169(6): p. 527-534.
  • Ames, S.G., et al., Emergency Department Pediatric Readiness and Mortality in Critically Ill Children. Pediatrics, 2019. 144(3): p. e20190568.
  • Newgard, C.D., et al., Evaluation of Emergency Department Pediatric Readiness and Outcomes Among US Trauma Centers. JAMA Pediatrics, 2021. 175(9): p. 947-956.
  • Remick, K., et al., Pediatric emergency department readiness among US trauma hospitals. J Trauma Acute Care Surg, 2019. 86(5): p. 803-809.
  • Gausche-Hill, M., Emergency and Definitive Care for Children in the United States: The Perfect Storm. Pediatrics, 2020. 145(1).
  • Ely, M., et al., Assessing Infrastructure to Care for Pediatric Patients in the Prehospital Setting. Pediatr Emerg Care, 2020. 36(6): p. e324-e331.
  • Remick, K., et al., Resource Document: Coordination of Pediatric Emergency Care in EMS Systems. Prehospital Emergency Care, 2017. 21(3): p. 399-407.
  • Hewes, H.A., et al., Ready for Children: Assessing Pediatric Care Coordination and Psychomotor Skills Evaluation in the Prehospital Setting. Prehosp Emerg Care, 2019. 23(4): p. 510-518.
  • STARS (Special Needs Tracking and Awareness Response System) - SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Foundation. 2022.
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Communicating to Improve Quality (Implemenation Handbook). Guide to Patient and Family Engagment, N.D.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, C.o.P.E.M., Handoffs: Transitions of Care for Children in the Emergency Department. Pediatrics, 2016. 138(5): p. e20162680.
  • Cooper, A., et al., Exploring the role of communications in quality improvement: A case study of the 1000 Lives Campaign in NHS Wales. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 2015. 8(1): p. 76-84.
  • Disch, J., Teamwork and Collaboration, in Quality and Safety in Nursing: A Contemporary Approach to Improving Outcomes, Gwen Sherwood and J. Bernsteiner, Editors. 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Ames, Iowa. p. 91 - 112.
  • Greenhalgh, T. and C. Papoutsi, Spreading and scaling up innovation and improvement. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 2019. 365: p. l2068-l2068.
  • Hilton, K. and A. Anderson. IHI Psychology of Change Framework to Advance and Sustain Improvement. 2018 [cited 2021 July 12]; Available from:
  • Medicine, I.o., Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. 2001, Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 360.
  • 20. Merlino, J. Communication: A Critical Healthcare Competency. 2021; Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare website.]. Available from:
  • 21. MR, M., et al., Framework for Spread: From Local Improvements to System-Wide Change. Institute for Healthcare Improvement; Innovation Series white paper, 2006.
  • 22. Quality, A.f.H.R.a. TeamSTEPPS. 2021; Available from:

Quality Improvement Guide



Further Reading