EMSC Grants Database

EMSC Grantees Researchers

Welcome to our searchable database of all EMSC grants. Below you will find all current and historical grants organized by state. By clicking on a state, you will access all grants (such as State Partnership Programs, PECARN, Targeted Issues) issued to that state. Under each grant you will find:

  • Summary of the project
  • Total award amount
  • HRSA, EMSC, HPP and NASEMSO Region
  • Contact information

The database is also searchable by keyword, grant type or state. We are committed to keeping our database as current as possible. If you notice a needed update or error, please contact us.

New York — Targeted Issue
Model Pediatric Component for State Disaster Plans
March 1, 2002 - Feb. 28, 2006
Grant Number: H34MC00122

Goals: (1) Build a coalition of experts from the fields of pediatrics, disaster planning, emergency medicine, emergency response, trauma, and mental health; (2) Utilizing the expertise of the coalition, build a consensus as to the appropriate methodology for the development of a model assessment method of both state disaster plans …

Award amount: $599721.00

New York — Targeted Issue
Training of Paramedics in Pediatric Endotracheal Intubation (aka NYC EMSC for Children Project)
Oct. 1, 1991 - Dec. 31, 1993
Grant Number: MCJ-364003

Goals: (1) evaluate the pediatric advanced life support component of New York City's EMS system; (2) enable the paramedics of New York City's EMS to intubate all children regardless of age; and (3) develop a quality assurance mechanism for pediatric advanced life support that will continue after the funding period …

Award amount: $200000.00

New York — Targeted Issue
Teaching Resource for Instructors in Prehospital Pediatrics for Paramedics (TRIPP ALS) {aka NYC Pediatric Teaching Resource for Paramedics}
Sept. 1, 1997 - Aug. 31, 2002
Grant Number: H34MC00003/H34MC00004 {MCH364005}

Goals (1) create, distribute, and evaluate the "Teaching Resource for Instructors in Prehospital Pediatrics for Paramedics and Intermediate EMTs" (TRIPP-PIE); and (2) institute both a plan to update the TRIPP and the TRIPP-PIE on a regular basis and a system to nationally apprise EMT and paramedic instructors of significant changes …

Award amount: $750000.00

New York — Targeted Issue
Development of a Regional Pediatric Data Surveillance System
Oct. 1, 1991 - March 31, 1994
Grant Number: MCJ-364002

Goals: (1) improve the completeness, quality, efficacy, and usefulness of the data surveillance; (2) demonstrate the usefulness of a pediatric emergency data surveillance system by analyzing four sets of data.

New York — Targeted Issue
Prehospital Oral Steroids for the Treatment of Status Asthmaticus in Children (POSTSAC) Study
Sept. 1, 2013 - Aug. 31, 2016
Grant Number: H34MC26200

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel are currently limited to nebulizer treatments among pediatric asthmatics with acute exacerbations. In addition, children who present to the emergency department (ED) frequently encounter up to two hour wait times before supplemental steroids that may hasten recovery are administered. Allowing EMS personnel to administer steroids …

Award amount: $863439.00

New York — PECARN
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Northeast, West and South (PEM-NEWS)
Sept. 1, 2001 - Aug. 31, 2027
Grant Number: U0300007 (old #: U03MC00007)

Objectives: initiate, develop, and obtain extramural funding for high-priority hospital and prehospital-based research of children presenting for emergency care; enroll large numbers of patients into PECARN studies; conduct research to eliminate inequities in care; maintain and expand the use of a robust research data infrastructure that facilitates the efficient conduct …

Award amount: $5129950.00

New York — State Partnership
New York State EMS for Children State Partnership Grant Program
Jan. 1, 1986 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06724

New York’s EMS system works to reduce the prevalence of pediatric morbidity and mortality that may occur as a result of acute illness and severe injury.

New York — PECARN
Charlotte, Houston, and Milwaukee Prehospital EMS Research Node Center (CHaMP E-RNC)
Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2027
Grant Number: U0333154 (old #: U03MC33154)

Objectives: Conduct high-priority, high-impact, equitable EMSC research using rigorous study designs and methodologies via a network of prehospital EMS agencies; Equitably engage Affiliate and Emerging Investigators to ensure that PECARN has a growing and diverse bench of researchers working to use the PECARN infrastructure to improve pediatric emergency care in …

Award amount: $3499974.00

Ohio — Targeted Issue
Impact of Pre-hospital Factors on the Outcome of Injured Children
Sept. 1, 2007 - Aug. 31, 2010
Grant Number: H34MC08511

This project seeks to demonstrate the benefits of EMS/trauma systems and components of these systems on the outcome of acutely injured pediatric patients. The goal of this project is to determine the impact of key pre-hospital factors on the outcome of children and adolescents who sustain moderate to severe acute …

Award amount: $600000.00

Ohio — Targeted Issue
Diagnostic Signatures in Febrile Infants
July 1, 2009 - Feb. 29, 2012
Grant Number: H34MC16870

Infants with fever commonly present to the ED. Most febrile infants have non-bacterial infections, but 6-10% have severe bacterial infections. Current diganostic methods are not precise. We propose studying a new method to improve the diagnosis of febrile infants in the PECARN network. The goals of this project are to …

Award amount: $294366.00

Ohio — Targeted Issue
Defining Quality Performance Measures for Pediatric Emergency Care (PEC)
June 1, 2009 - Feb. 28, 2011
Grant Number: H34MC16597

Improving the quality of pediatric emergency care (PEC) requires measurement. This project aims to create a set of performance measures sensitive to multiple quality domains and pediatric disease frequency. Measures will be evaluated for credibility and ability to capture measures electronically. The goals of this project are to (1) assess …

Award amount: $250374.00

Hospitals of the Midwest Emergency Research Node (HOMERUN)
Sept. 1, 2011 - Aug. 31, 2027
Grant Number: U03MC22684

2023-2027 Goals: 1) Building a solid infrastructure to conduct high-quality, impactful multicenter research across the care continuum; 2) Generating research and developing a skilled PEM workforce that can address evidence gaps and ensure equitable care for all; 3) Advancing health equity by eliminating disparities in PEM care and enhancing diversity …

Award amount: $5299154.00

Ohio — State Partnership
Ohio EMS for Children Partnership Grant
Oct. 1, 1990 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06699

Goals: to improve pediatric pre-hospital medical direction, pediatric pre-hospital equipment and pediatric care in the emergency department.

Great Lakes Area Children's Emergency Research (GLACiER)
Sept. 1, 2015 - Aug. 31, 2027
Grant Number: U03MC28844

Objectives: 1) Further strengthen our highly successful nodal infrastructure to foster high priority, high impact EMS for Children (EMSC) multi-centered research and exceed PECARN performance goals; 2) Address health equity by engaging our communities to identify issues that affect EMSC in marginalized populations and inform all aspects of the research …

Award amount: $3499588.00

Oklahoma — Targeted Issue
Child Care Health and Safety Training Development and Network Development
Oct. 1, 1995 - Sept. 30, 1998
Grant Number: H34MC00009

This project aims to decrease the morbidity and mortality from injuries and the incidence of communicable diseases in the 0-5 years population attending licensed child care. The goals of this project are to (1) develop an ongoing training program for licensed child care providers in Oklahoma; (2) establish a linkage …

Award amount: $113516.00

Oklahoma — State Partnership
Oklahoma EMSC State Partnership Grant Program
Jan. 1, 1992 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06689

Goals and Objectives: The goal of the Oklahoma EMSC Program is to provide the EMS personnel in the State of Oklahoma with the “tools” they need to address the above problem, pursuing the following objectives: 1. Providing EMS personnel with the knowledge and skills needed to properly mitigate a pediatric …

Oregon — State Partnership
Oregon Emergency Medical Services for Children
Jan. 1, 1986 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06700

Oregon EMSC Objectives include: EMSC 01: By January 1, 2019, all Oregon licensed EMS transport agencies will be reporting complete NEMSIS 3 data or have an approved waiver. By the end of 2021, 100% of licensed EMS agencies will be compliant and reporting without exception. EMSC 02: By 2022, 40% …

Oregon — Targeted Issue
A Multi-State Evaluation of Emergency Department Pediatric Readiness: Guideline Update and Association with Quality, Outcomes, and Cost
Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2024
Grant Number: H3433243 (old #: H34MC33243)

The National Pediatric Readiness Project (NPRP) launched in 2012 to ensure ideal pediatric emergency care by implementing standardized guidelines for EDs and measuring their improvement. However, the ability of EDs to adopt and implement these guidelines, the impact on health outcomes, and the associated costs have not yet been evaluated. …

Award amount: $1398111.00

Pennsylvania — Targeted Issue
Defining Quality Performance Measures for Pediatric Emergency Care (PEC)
Sept. 1, 2007 - May 31, 2009
Grant Number: H34MC08512

Improving the quality of pediatric emergency care (PEC) requires measurement. This project aims to create a set of performance measures sensitive to multiple quality domains and pediatric disease frequency. Measures will be evaluated for credibility and ability to capture measures electronically. The goals of this project are to (1) assess …

Award amount: $394880.00

Pennsylvania — Targeted Issue
General Pediatrics Evidence-Based Secondary Prevention of Traumatic Stress: Practical Tools to Help Parents Help Their Children
March 1, 2005 - Feb. 29, 2008
Grant Number: H34MC04365

It's a challenge for medical systems to meet the psychological needs of families in response to an acute traumatic event. Our goal is to craft practical, evidence-based tools for secondary prevention of traumatic stress to be widely disseminated and integrated into pediatric trauma and medical care. The goals of this …

Award amount: $599886.00

Pennsylvania — Targeted Issue
Emergency Medicine Implementing Adolescent Depression Screening in the Emergency Department (ED)
March 1, 2005 - Feb. 29, 2008
Grant Number: H34MC04366

Adolescent depression is a pervasive and often devastating illness, yet is often undetected by healthcare professionals. This project addresses this problem through the development of a computerized screening process for depression in adolescent patients presenting to the emergency department. This project developed, implemented, and assessed the impact of an emergency …

Award amount: $599839.00

Pennsylvania — Targeted Issue
Developing a Pediatric Severity of Illness Model for Transport System Evaluation and Triage
Sept. 1, 1998 - Aug. 31, 2000
Grant Number: MCH424003 (H34MC00005)

Interfacility transport is a significant component of Emergency Medical Services for Children, but very little data has been disseminated or published to describe transport outcome and appropriateness of transport team selection. Critically ill and injured children often travel significant distances en route to a pediatric critical care center and are …

Award amount: $292469.00

Pennsylvania — Targeted Issue
Pennsylvania EMS for Children Child Care Risk Reduction Initiatives
Oct. 1, 1999 - Feb. 26, 2001
Grant Number: H34MC00032

Child care risk reduction initiatives in Pennsylvania.

Award amount: $285000.00

Pennsylvania — Targeted Issue
Creating a Diagnosis Grouping System for Child Emergency Department Visits
March 1, 2004 - Feb. 28, 2007
Grant Number: H34MC02547

Creating a taxonomy and general severity of illness and injury system for EMSC is a research priority, yet no such system exists. Standard systems must be available to assess quality of emergency care across settings, patient populations and practitioners. The goals of this project are to (1) create taxonomy of …

Award amount: $437422.00

Pennsylvania — Targeted Issue
Screening and Secondary Prevention for Psychological Sequelae of Pediatric Injury
March 1, 2002 - Feb. 29, 2008
Grant Number: H34MC00114 (H34MC02608)

The goals of this project are to (1) refine, validate, and disseminate a screening protocol that is practical and feasible for use in the emergency department, and that aids emergency department staff in assessing risk of post-traumatic psychological sequelae in injured children and their parents; (2) develop and pilot test …

Award amount: $393508.00

Pennsylvania — Targeted Issue
EMSC Data Enhancement Project
Oct. 1, 1994 - Sept. 30, 1997
Grant Number: MCH-424001

The recent report of the Institute of Medicine on emergency medical services for children (EMSC) says that understanding and overcoming the EMS for Children information gap requires compiling data on the particular role that individual system components play in emergency care. Goals: (1) analyze child- and adolescent-specific emergency department survey …

Award amount: $149980.00

Pennsylvania — Targeted Issue
Advancing Family-Centered Care and Quality Self-Assessment for Pediatric Resuscitation Readiness
Sept. 1, 2016 - Aug. 31, 2021
Grant Number: H34MC30230

This project will advance pediatric resuscitation readiness by creating new capacity for rigorous quality improvement (QI) beyond academic centers and specialized children’s hospitals. Each phase of the project will engage key stakeholders, including frontline providers at community EDs and EMSC state partnership grantees in two states. We will create and …

Award amount: $824293.00

Pennsylvania — State Partnership
Pennsylvania EMSC
Jan. 1, 1994 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06717

Pennsylvania will utilize the results of the statewide assessment of 2017 through a collaboration of work with the EMS for Children Innovation and Improvement Center (EIIC) to establish a program in Pennsylvania that will increase the number of EMS agencies who have an overseeing PECC. By forming a steering committee …

Pennsylvania — SPROC
Pennsylvania Regionalized System of Care in Western PA
June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2016
Grant Number: H3AMC24076

This project focused on developing and implementing a regionalized system of pediatric emergency care in rural western Pennsylvania. Primary foci of this project included: (1) building upon existing collaborations of rural community health providers and a major pediatric academic referral center to formalize transfer processes; and (2) integrating telemedicine in …

Award amount: $400000.00

Pennsylvania — PECARN
PRIDENET – The Pittsburgh, Rhode Island, DElaware Research NETwork
Sept. 1, 2011 - Aug. 31, 2016
Grant Number: U03MC22685

PRIDENET seeks to serve diverse patient populations with high quality, family oriented, culturally and linguistically competent, emergency care. We will accomplish this goal through the development and conduct of dynamic and rigorous EMSC research. PRIDENET consists of accomplished researchers with significant grant writing and multicenter trials experience.

Award amount: $720962.00