EMSC Grants Database
EMSC Grantees ResearchersWelcome to our searchable database of all EMSC grants. Below you will find all current and historical grants organized by state. By clicking on a state, you will access all grants (such as State Partnership Programs, PECARN, Targeted Issues) issued to that state. Under each grant you will find:
The database is also searchable by keyword, grant type or state. We are committed to keeping our database as current as possible. If you notice a needed update or error, please contact us.
Alaska — State Partnership
Alaska Emergency Medical Service for Children State Partnership
Jan. 1, 1989 - Present
Grant Number: H3306688 (old #: H33MC06688)
The Alaska EMSC program goals include: (1) Improving pre-hospital pediatric emergency care readiness through developing quality improvement processes, designating pediatric care coordinators, establishing training and skills processes, promoting increased community outreach projects and connecting Alaskan providers with 24/7 pediatric medical direction; (2) Increasing hospital pediatric emergency care readiness through the …
Alaska — SPROC
Alaska EMSC SPROC Program
June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2016
Grant Number: H3AMC24071
This SPROC Program investigated solutions to overcome challenges of promptly delivering specialized pediatric care to children in rural, frontier, and wilderness communities of the state including the indigenous Alaska Native and American Indians. This project focused on: (1) increasing statewide pediatric-specific disaster preparedness training; (2) integrating pediatric components into state …
Award amount: $400000.00
Alabama — State Partnership
Alabama EMSC State Partnership Grant
Jan. 1, 1986 - Present
Grant Number: H3306713 (old #: H33MC09713)
The mission of the Alabama Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Program is to prevent and reduce child, youth and adolescent disability and death resultant of severe illness and injury. Currently, the Alabama EMSC Program’s focus is to receive funding to continue the previously established child-focused programs. The program goals …
Arkansas — Targeted Issue
Development and Evaluation of Targeted ATV Safety Educational Strategies for Rural Children
Sept. 1, 2007 - Aug. 31, 2011
Grant Number: H34MC08514
All-terrain vehicle (ATV) injury is an under-studied problem for children. Targeted safety education can result in behavior change that translates to fewer injuries. This project will use qualitative measures to assess current ATV safety materials and to develop materials for use in targeted audiences. The goals of this project are …
Award amount: $696849.00
Arkansas — Targeted Issue
Coordinating Discharge Care for Children with Injury and Special Health Care Needs
March 1, 2001 - Feb. 29, 2004
Grant Number: H34MC00100
The goals of this project are 1) to improve the health status of injured and special health care needs children after discharge from inpatient care 2) to improve the coordination of care for these children and their families at and after hospital discharge. This will be accomplished using the following …
Award amount: $598810.00
Arkansas — Targeted Issue
Economic Evaluation of Intensive Care Services for Pediatric Trauma Brain Injury Patients
March 1, 2001 - Feb. 29, 2004
Grant Number: H34MC00105
The goal of this project is to evaluate whether increased spending for treatment of pediatric TBI appears justified. Five objectives of this project: (1) Evaluate the incidence of TBI, procedures used in the treatment of TBI, and outcomes over time for pediatric TBI patients admitted to intensive care units; (2) …
Award amount: $565675.00
Arkansas — Targeted Issue
Outcomes Assessment in Pediatric Trauma Patients
Oct. 1, 1997 - Sept. 30, 1999
Grant Number: MCH054003 (H15MC00067)
Previous efforts by an EMS for Children task force have suggested that early involvement of rehabilitation specialists and comprehensive discharge planning are essential in achieving optimization of trauma outcomes. The goals of this project are to (1) integrate rehabilitation services in the continuum of trauma care and optimize trauma outcomes; …
Award amount: $297217.00
Arkansas — Targeted Issue
Outcome Evaluation of Emergency Medical Services for Children
Oct. 1, 1993 - Sept. 30, 1995
Grant Number: MCH-054002
Goals (1) validate scales for measuring cognitive and physical morbidity; (2) investigate the nature, severity and predictors of poor psychosocial adjustment following child emeregencies.
Award amount: $297660.00
Arkansas — State Partnership
Arkansas EMSC State Partnership Grant Program
Jan. 1, 1987 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC11303
The EMSC program will promote the permanence of the program in the Arkansas state EMS by working for placement of a representative on the Governor’s Advisory Council. The EMSC program will assist EMS services to acquire needed equipment through the purchase of equipment. Integration of EMSC priorities will be included …
American Samoa — State Partnership
American Samoa EMSC State Partnership Grant
March 1, 2014 - Present
Grant Number: H3306697 (old #: H33MC06697)
Assess and improve the operational capacity of American Samoa to provide emergency care to children of our territory. Evaluation and strategic planning will be incorporated to identify and generate support for the sustainability of EMSC initiatives through legislative, regulatory, policy change, or other means. Goal: Assess and improve the operational …
Arizona — PECARN
A Southwest Research Node Center for PECARN
Sept. 1, 2015 - Aug. 30, 2019
Grant Number: U03MC28845
The SW-RNC investigators will actively participate in the PECARN leadership including generating excellent, fundable proposals, developing and testing new clinical trials management approaches, skillfully deploying trials in the EMS environment and using the resources of PECARN to train new pediatric emergency clinical science leaders.
Award amount: $2400000.00
Arizona — State Partnership
Arizona Emergency Medical Services for Children
April 1, 1997 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06690
Goals: Improve the quality, safety availability, and consistency of child emergency medical care throughout Arizona; Provide ongoing assessment of the pediatric emergency medical services delivery system; Support pediatric emergency care training that is effective, sustainable, portable, and can be replicated whenever needed; Encourage use of evidence-based/informed guidelines for emergency care …
Arizona — SPROC
Arizona Pediatric Prepared Emergency Care (PPEC) Program
June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2016
Grant Number: H3AMC24072
Goals: (1) expand Arizona’s Pediatric Facility Recognition Program, Prepared Emergency Care (PPEC), into more rural and tribal communities within the state; and (2) integrate evidence-based guidelines into clinical decision-making for all participating facilities.
Award amount: $400000.00
California — Targeted Issue
Utility of Abdominal Ultrasound During Emergency Department Evaluation of Children with Blunt Trauma
Sept. 1, 2010 - Aug. 31, 2013
Grant Number: H34MC19682
Abdominal injuries are frequent and difficult to identify in children. The FAST exam (abdominal ultrasound) is used frequently in adults with abdominal trauma and improves clinical care. Its use in children, however, is highly variable, likely due to limited scientific evidence. The goals of this project are to (1) compare …
Award amount: $897809.00
California — Targeted Issue
Evaluation of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) as an Assessment Tool for Children in the Prehospital Setting
Sept. 1, 2007 - Feb. 28, 2011
Grant Number: H34MC08510
This study will provide the much-needed evaluation of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) already in use by emergency care professionals around the world. The goals of this project are to (1) provide a definitive evaluation of the PAT as an assessment tool for use by paramedic providers in the prehospital …
Award amount: $598408.00
California — Targeted Issue
Improving the Care of Acutely Ill and Injured Children in Rural Emergency Departments with Telemedicine
March 1, 2005 - Feb. 29, 2008
Grant Number: H34MC04367
Rural emergency departments (EDs) often lack pediatric expertise and pediatric emergency services. As a consequence, critically ill children cared for in rural EDs often receive delayed or substandard care. The goals of this project are to (1) develop and test a new instrument for measuring the quality of care provided …
Award amount: $599977.00
California — Targeted Issue
Emergency Medical Services for Children (The California EMSC Project)
Oct. 1, 1991 - Nov. 30, 1994
Grant Number: MCJ-064002
Goals: Create a viable "continuum" model for emergency medical services for children, to be carried out in local EMS agencies throughout California. This includes community medical operations for children, ranging from injury prevention and prehospital care to ED and critical care, trauma services, and rehabilitation. The model also includes administrative …
California — Targeted Issue
Evaluation of California Emergency Medical Services for Children Model
Oct. 1, 1993 - Oct. 31, 1996
Grant Number: MCH-064005
Goals (1) monitor and evaluate the California EMSC model in two EMS systems (one urban, one rural) in order to analyze the administrative and program costs of implementing the model; (2) identify political, technological, legal, and financial barriers to implementing the California EMSC model; (3) promote statewide acceptance of the …
California — Targeted Issue
A Prospective Randomized Study on the Effect of Prehospital Pediatric Intubation on Outcome
Oct. 1, 1993 - Sept. 30, 1995
Grant Number: MCH-064004
Goals (1) educate all paramedics in LA and Orange Counties in pediatric endotracheal intubation; (2) upgrade previously attained pediatric airway management skills including BVM ventilation, obstructed airway management, and trauma airway management; (3) evaluate the success and complication rates of pediatric intubation by paramedics; (4) evaluate the efficacy of BVM …
Award amount: $555188.00
California — Targeted Issue
Spreading the Word, Encouraging the Use of the NHLBI Guidelines by Emergency Medicine and Pediatric Professionals
Oct. 1, 1998 - Sept. 30, 2000
Grant Number: H34MC00042
This project is the first phase of a plan to develop materials and a dIssemination plan for the new National Institutes of Health (NIH) asthma guidelines. The first phase of the project will include 1) preliminary data collection regarding barriers to the dissemination and use of the NIH asthma guidelines …
Award amount: $105976.00
California — Targeted Issue
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Risk Watch: A School-based Injury Prevention
Aug. 1, 1999 - Feb. 28, 2002
Grant Number: H34MC00085
Injuries continue to be the leading cause of death among children. In response to this public health problem, multiple injury prevention education programs have been developed to address this need. Unfortunately, most of these programs only focus on a particular injury area for a certain age group and are often …
Award amount: $298822.00
California — PECARN
Pediatric Research in Injuries and Medical Emergencies (PRIME)
Sept. 1, 2001 - Aug. 31, 2027
Grant Number: U0300001 (old #: U03MC00001)
Objectives: 1) Enhance our comprehensive scientific process to generate innovative, high-priority research proposals and continue to obtain extramural funding. 2) Conduct studies with rigor, leveraging our substantial research infrastructure and experience. 3) Elevate equity as a strategic priority in our research to reduce PEC disparities in marginalized communities. 4) Generate …
Award amount: $3499996.00
California — SPROC
Transport of Acutely Ill and Injured Children to Institutions of Higher Care from Allied Localities
June 1, 2012 - Dec. 7, 2020
Grant Number: H3AMC24073
2012-2016: partnering of the North Coast EMS Agency, the UC Davis Medical Center, the United Indian Health Services, and the North Coast Clinics Network to develop a regionalized, standardized health care delivery system for children; integrating evidence-based emergency medical services into the pediatric emergency care system either by transport and/or …
Award amount: $1150000.00
California — State Partnership
California EMSC State Partnership Grant
Jan. 1, 1986 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC07874
The overall goal of the California EMSC Program is to assess and strengthen the current status of pediatric emergency care statewide by improving the readiness of EMS providers to respond to critically ill and injured children: (1) Continue integrating EMSC into the State EMS system; (2) Complete the requirements of …
Colorado — State Partnership
EMSC State Partnership Program & Rural Expansion Project – Colorado
Jan. 1, 1992 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC31619
The purpose of the Colorado EMS for Children State Partnership Program will be to expand and improve emergency medical services for children who need treatment for trauma or critical care. This program will improve systems of emergency pediatric care by focusing on electronic health information systems, coordination of care, increased …
Connecticut — Targeted Issue
Small Victims, Big Challenges: Refining Pediatric Disaster Triage Algorithms and Education in the Prehospital Setting
Sept. 1, 2010 - Aug. 31, 2013
Grant Number: H34MC19349
Although there are multiple existing strategies for the triage of children in disasters, there is no tested curriculum for teaching pediatric disaster triage, nor has there been much comparison of triage strategy efficacy. The goals of this project are to (1) develop a generalizable pediatric disaster triage curriculum for prehospital …
Award amount: $852415.00
Connecticut — Targeted Issue
Model Training for Safe Transport of Children with Special Health Care Needs
March 1, 2002 - Aug. 31, 2005
Grant Number: MCOO107
The overall goal is to provide increased protection to CSHCN traveling in motor vehicles. Specific project goals are to (1) describe the challenges faced by families regarding safe transportation of their child with special health care needs, (2) develop a model training for rehabilitation specialists who counsel these families addressing …
Award amount: $582310.00
Connecticut — Targeted Issue
School Nurse Emergency Medical Services for Children
Oct. 1, 1994 - March 31, 1997
Grant Number: MCH-094002
Goals (1) reduce morbidity and mortality in children and youth who are injured or become ill at school through the development, implementation, and national dissemination of an effective training model-School Nurse Emergency Medical Services for Children (SNEMSC); (2) restructure the existing Emergency Care Training for School Nurses course, with the …
Award amount: $273827.00
Connecticut — Targeted Issue
Efficacy of Driving Simulator Training for Novice Teen Drivers
Sept. 1, 2008 - Aug. 31, 2011
Grant Number: H34MC10576
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death in American teens. The objective of our study is to ascertain whether or not driving simulators can make teenagers safer drivers by providing them with realistic driving experience under conditions of minimal risk (i.e., on a driving simulator). The goal of …
Award amount: $698854.00
Connecticut — Targeted Issue
Partners in Safety: An Intervention to Encourage Parents to Implement Graduated Driver Licensing Guidelines
Oct. 1, 1998 - Sept. 30, 2000
Grant Number: H34MC00074
With graduated driver licensing (GDL), young drivers progress to a regular driver's license by first obtaining a learner's permit and then completing a provisional or restricted licensing period, giving parents the means to control the driving of their adolescent children. The goals of this project are to (1) target the …
Award amount: $150000.00