EIIC's quality improvement (QI) collaboratives are free to participants and bring various health care departments, hospitals, or organizations together to address a specific aspect of providing care—in this case, improving emergency care for children (or improving "pediatric readiness").
Collaboratives follow a cyclical series of learning sessions, action periods, measurement and evaluation, and finally, summative publications. In addition, the collaboratives often result in the development of toolkits of resources, which are available to all.
Active Collaboratives
Past Collaboratives
Disaster Networking Collaborative
September 2023 - June 2024
This collaborative was to improve pediatric disaster preparedness across U.S. children’s hospitals.
ED STOP Suicide Collaborative
February - November 2023
This collaborative addressed the ongoing state of emergency in children’s mental health (specifically acute suicidality).
PECC Workforce Development Collaborative
September 2021 – June 2022
This collaborative developed individuals interested in improving the quality of pediatric care at EMS agencies, EDs/hospitals, or within their regions through the role of a pediatric emergency care coordinator.
Telehealth Collaborative
January – June 2021
This collaborative evaluated the impact of public health crises on children with special health care needs and children with behavioral health emergencies, assess telehealth capacities, and provide guidance and support to improve access to emergency pediatric services particularly in rural, tribal, and territorial areas.
Pediatric Disaster Preparedness Quality Collaborative
July - December 2020
This collaborative focused on enhancing the ability of hospitals to receive and treat children in response to a disaster.
Pediatric Readiness Quality Improvement Collaborative
January 2018 - April 2020
This collaborative was to improve day-to-day pediatric readiness and ensure high quality emergency care for children across the country, as assessed by the National Pediatric Readiness Project Assessment. A second cohort is currently in progress, see there work here.
Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator Learning Collaborative
October 2018 - March 2019
This collaborative was to form a cohort of EMSC State Partnership Grant recipients to demonstrate effective, replicable strategies which will increase the number of local EMS agencies with a pediatric emergency care coordinator
Facility Recognition Collaborative
April 2016 - December 2017
This collaborative was to assist state programs in accelerating their progress in improving the pediatric readiness of EDs and to develop a program to recognize EDs in their state that are ready to care for children with medical emergencies.