Pediatric Disaster Preparedness Quality Collaborative
ED Clinicians EMS Clinicians Disaster Quality Improvement- Pediatric Disaster Preparedness Quality Collaborative
- Pediatric Disaster Preparedness Toolkit
- Collaborative Materials
- EGLPCDR Virtual Exercise (Sept 10, 2020)

This collaborative was made possible in part by Award Number (U3REP190615-01-01) from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of ASPR or the Department of Health and Human Services.Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response (ASPR)
For more information, questions or issues, please email Meredith Rodriguez, PhD at
Summary of the Collaborative
In 2020, the EIIC partnered with the Eastern Great Lakes Pediatric Consortium for Disaster Response to conduct a free Pediatric Disaster Preparedness Quality Collaborative.
The mission of the collaborative was to enhance the ability of hospitals to receive and treat children in response to a disaster. All types of hospitals were welcome to participate regardless of location, patient volume, inpatient capabilities or pediatric expertise.
Participants enhanced their overall level of disaster preparedness through access to national pediatric disaster preparedness experts who provided expertise and best practices for caring for children during a disaster. Hospitals also worked to build important relationships with partners in their community such as regional children’s hospitals, EMS agencies as well as public health and emergency managers.
Each institution was asked to identify at least one pediatric champion who committed 1-2 hours per week for a total of 20 weeks, or 40 hours total.
The collaborative took an all-hazards approach to disaster preparedness beginning with an environmental scan. The aim of the environmental scan was to inform the collaborative organizers of the disaster preparedness activities at each hospital so that activities could be integrate with ongoing disaster preparedness efforts within each hospital. Participants then progressed through a series of 8, 2-week modules from July to October 2020. These modules were broadly divided into three focus areas: internal coordination, regional coalition building and patient tracking/reunification. Each focus area was introduced during a Learning Session (conducted via teleconference) led by a national pediatric disaster preparedness expert. To access all collaborative materials and recordings of the learning sessions, please see the"Collaborative Materials" section.
Due to the popularity and success of this collaborative, the EIIC has several more pediatric disaster focused collaboratives planned over the next five years. Please subscribe to our EMSC Pulse Newsletter to be notified of upcoming opportunities.
Additional questions can be directed to Meredith Rodriguez, PhD at