EMSC Grants Database

EMSC Grantees EMSC Grantees Researchers

Welcome to our searchable database of all EMSC grants. Below you will find all current and historical grants organized by state. By clicking on a state, you will access all grants (such as State Partnership Programs, PECARN, Targeted Issues) issued to that state. Under each grant you will find:

  • Summary of the project
  • Total award amount
  • HRSA, EMSC, HPP and NASEMSO Region
  • Contact information

The database is also searchable by keyword, grant type or state. We are committed to keeping our database as current as possible. If you notice a needed update or error, please contact us.

Puerto Rico — State Partnership
Puerto Rico Emergency Medical Services for Children State Partnership Program
Oct. 1, 1994 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06720

Improve health care for children and families by expanding and improving Puerto Rico’s capacity to reduce and ameliorate pediatric trauma and emergencies by establishing all of the components of the EMSC State Partnership Performance Measure Standards.

Palau — State Partnership
EMSC Partnership Grant Palau
April 1, 2013 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC25702

The goals and objectives of this project are to improve the health care of children by expanding and improving Palau’s capacity to reduce and ameliorate pediatric emergencies by establishing all components of EMSC State Partnership Performance Measures into the overall EMS system.

Rhode Island — Targeted Issue
PEDI-STAT-A Model for the Coordination of EMS for Children with Special Health Care Needs
Oct. 1, 1996 - Aug. 31, 1999
Grant Number: MCH-444002

Goals: (1) develop a functional model for regional emergency medical services (EMS) systems that coordinates emergency care of children with special health needs (CSHN), emphasizing communication, education, and cooperation among families, primary care and specialty physicians, local EMS providers, hospitals, and regional 911 centers; and (2) promote a family-centered approach …

Award amount: $299916.00

Rhode Island — State Partnership
Rhode Island EMSC Partnership Grant
Jan. 1, 1996 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC07875

Ensure that state of the art emergency medical care for the ill and injured child or adolescent; pediatric service is well integrated into an emergency medical service system backed by optimal resources; and that entire spectrum of emergency services, including primary prevention of illness and injury, acute care, and rehabilitation, …

Rhode Island — PECARN
San Francisco-Oakland, Providence, Atlanta Research Collaborative (SPARC)
Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2023
Grant Number: U03MC33155

(1) Organizational Infrastructure: rapidly build and maintain a strong, high functioning PECARN node, capable of performing excellent clinical research and contributing to all network activities. (2) Contribute to EMSC Research: conduct high quality, high impact pediatric emergency medicine research, across the spectrum of EMSC projects and settings. (3) Develop New …

Award amount: $2794435.00

South Carolina — Targeted Issue
Enhancement of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) Curricula in Physician Assistant Education
March 1, 2005 - Feb. 29, 2008
Grant Number: H34MC04369

The adequacy of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) curricula has not been studied within physician assistant (PA) programs. PA graduates should have a set of core competencies upon completion of the PA program to adequately manage pediatric emergencies. The primary goal of this project is to study PA Program PEM curricula …

Award amount: $559754.00

South Carolina — State Partnership
South Carolina EMS for Children State Partnership
Jan. 1, 1994 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06719

The South Carolina EMSC program has both an established pediatric hospital recognition system and an EMS and EMR recognition program. Facilities and agencies must meet a standardized list of requirements including equipment, training, staffing, policies, procedures, and quality improvement. These programs help to ensure the appropriate equipment is in place …

South Dakota — State Partnership
South Dakota Emergency Medical Services for Children State Partnership Grant
Jan. 1, 1993 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06693

Goal: Assess and improve the operational capacity of South Dakota to provide pediatric emergency care to all seriously ill and injured children to reduce pediatric morbidity and mortality. Objective I: Achieve the EMSC SP Program objectives, monitor and measure the impact at state/jurisdiction levels, and execute the established targets for …

Tennessee — State Partnership
Tennessee EMSC State Partnership & Rural Expansion Project Grant
Jan. 1, 1994 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC31540

The grant goal is to implement and maintain the Federal EMSC PMs, and continue to enhance the pediatric readiness of our state’s EMS System, by: 1. Developing processes to assure compliance with PMs 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, and 08. 2. Continuing to maintain achievement in all other performance measures. …

Texas — Targeted Issue
Integrating Evidence-Based Pediatric Prehospital Protocols into Practice
Sept. 1, 2010 - Aug. 31, 2013
Grant Number: H34MC19347

The overall aim of this project is to create a statewide infrastructure for the development, implementation, and measurement of outcomes of evidence-based pediatric prehospital protocols in a state with independently functioning Emergency Medical Services (EMS) systems. The goals of this project are to (1) establish/evaluate a process for developing evidence-based …

Award amount: $893723.00

Texas — Targeted Issue
Pediatric Emergency Department (ED) Use of an Asthma Educational Intervention to Improve Quality of Care
Sept. 1, 2007 - Aug. 31, 2010
Grant Number: H34MC08513

The objective of the project is to provide evidence for a high-quality ED-based asthma intervention by determining the impact of ED-based education on the systems for asthma care delivery that include the ED, the primary care physician, and the families of children with acute asthma exacerbations. The goals of this …

Award amount: $598645.00

Texas — Targeted Issue
Diagnostic Signatures in Febrile Infants
Sept. 1, 2007 - June 30, 2009
Grant Number: H34MC08509

Infants with fever commonly present to the ED. Most febrile infants have non-bacterial infections, but 6-10% have severe bacterial infections. Current diganostic methods are not precise. We propose studying a new method to improve the diagnosis of febrile infants in the PECARN network. Goals: (1) educate and train a core …

Award amount: $305633.00

Texas — Targeted Issue
Outcomes-Based Office Practice Emergency Self Assessment Tool
Oct. 1, 1997 - Sept. 30, 1999
Grant Number: H34MC00006

This project describes a method for determining the preparation, skills, drugs, and equipment necessary to provide the optimum outcome for the management of office practice pediatric emergencies. The project will test the hypothesis that the skills, equipment, and drugs necessary for an emergency-prepared office practice are dependent on three factors: …

Award amount: $150000.00

Texas — Targeted Issue
Improving Primary Care Physician Education and Involvement in EMS
Aug. 1, 1995 - July 31, 1997
Grant Number: MCH484004

Goals (1) improve EMSC awareness and involvement through an EMSC curriculum developed and presented by pediatric emergency medicine fellows and faculty for senior level pediatric and family practice residents; (2) prepare a package of written materials for residents and practitioners to facilitate their abilities to equip local ambulances, offices, and …

Award amount: $232192.00

Texas — Targeted Issue
EMSC: A Model for Knowledge Transfer and Utilization to the Yet Uncommitted
Oct. 1, 1995 - Sept. 30, 1998
Grant Number: MCH484003

Goals: (1) encourage the establishment of committees on pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) in all appropriate chapters of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); (2) organize priorities from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report to the Nation on EMSC as described in the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) 5-year plan …

Award amount: $359667.00

Texas — Targeted Issue
Pediatric Evidence-Based Guidelines Assessment of EMS System Utilization in States (PEGASUS)
Sept. 1, 2013 - Aug. 31, 2016
Grant Number: H34MC26199

Reducing the variation in practice is an integral component of providing quality health care. Moreover, the standardization of prehospital interventions has been linked to an overall improvement in health outcomes. Prehospital care is usually standardized within an EMS system through the use of guidelines or protocols, also known as offline …

Award amount: $900000.00

Texas — State Partnership
EMSC State Partnership Texas
Jan. 1, 1991 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC11305

The goals of this project are to increase the use of the NEMSIS data collection system among EMS agencies; to develop a standardized system to acknowledge hospital readiness to care for pediatric patients that encompasses established standards and EMSC performance measures; to improve the number of hospitals that have written …

Texas — Targeted Issue
Developing a National Pediatric Readiness Project Quality Improvement Data Registry
Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2024
Grant Number: H3433244 (old #: H34MC33244)

The majority (83%) of children seek care in non-pediatric specialty emergency departments (ED). On average EDs see less than 15 pediatric patients a day and less than 50% report a quality improvement (QI) process for pediatric patients. Results from the National Pediatric Readiness Project (NPRP) demonstrated over 80% of US …

Award amount: $1390472.00

Texas — Targeted Issue
Educational Pediatric Pain Management Program for the Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic (EMT-P)
Sept. 1, 2008 - Aug. 31, 2011
Grant Number: H34MC11116

The effects of untreated pain in children are well documented in the literature. However, pain assessment (PA) and pain management (PM) remains inadequate, particularly in children. Education of emergency medical technicians-paramedics shows promise in improving PA and PM in children. The goals of this project are to (1) implement a …

Award amount: $472694.00

Utah — Targeted Issue
Analysis of the Impact of Economic Status and Health Indicators
Aug. 1, 1999 - Feb. 28, 2001
Grant Number: H34MC00020

The goals of this project are to (1) use existing EMS and hospital data to examine the relationship of socioeconomic status, health insurance or the lack thereof, and the presence of medical conditions indicating children with special health care needs (CSHCN) upon EMS usage, hospital admission, and charges in Utah …

Award amount: $299825.00

Utah — Targeted Issue
Utah EMSC with Special Health Care Needs
Oct. 1, 1996 - Sept. 30, 1998
Grant Number: MCH494002

Technology-assisted children (TAC) are currently an underserved population with repsect to emergency medical services (EMS) systems. Goals: (1) improve the quality of prehospital emergency care rendered to children who depend on medical technology; (2) require acute care facilities or other facilities to notify the State EMS agency, community hospitals, and …

Award amount: $289112.00

Utah — State Partnership
Utah EMSC Partnership Grant
Jan. 1, 1989 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06680

The purpose to ultimately reduce pediatric morbidity and mortality from injury and illness in Utah. The project will focus on developing and sustaining EMSC initiatives by integrating HRSA performance measures into the EMS system. The main activities of the project will be education, public policy change, assessment, performance improvement, coalition …

Virginia — State Partnership
Emergency Medical Services for Children State Partnership Grant
Jan. 1, 1997 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC07871

Improve the quality of emergency medical care for the ill or injured child and adolescent in Virginia. 1. Make progress toward achieving national EMSC program objectives in Virginia (which already align with national targets for EMSC performance measures). 2. Facilitate improvement in the pediatric readiness, capacity, coordination and delivery of …

Virgin Islands — State Partnership
USVI Emergency Services for Children
Oct. 1, 1996 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06725

The purpose of this project is to apply for federal grant funding under the Emergency Medical Services for Children Program, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The goal of this project is to ensure integration of EMS services to meet the needs of children …

Vermont — State Partnership
Vermont Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) State Partnership Program
Jan. 1, 1989 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06729

Vermont EMSC works toward three major goals: 1) to expand and improve emergency medical services for children to ensure that critically ill or injured children receive the right care at the right time, no matter where they live, play, or go to school in Vermont; 2) to collaborate with hospitals …

Washington — Targeted Issue
Enhancing Coordination between EMS Systems and Primary Care for Injured Adolescents with Alcohol Problems and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Sept. 1, 2007 - Aug. 31, 2011
Grant Number: H34MC08508

This project will implement, evaluate, and disseminate the adolescent trauma support service model program that aims to enhance coordination between EMS systems and primary care/community services. The goals of this project are to (1) coordinate care from EMS systems to primary care for injured adolescents; (2) reduce alcohol consumption over …

Award amount: $800000.00

Washington — Targeted Issue
Statewide Drowning Prevention Through the Washington State EMS and Trauma Systems
Oct. 1, 1994 - June 30, 1997
Grant Number: MCH 534002

Goal: (1) decrease the mortality and morbidity of children ages 0-21 years due to submersion incidents in Washington State over a 2-year period. Objectives (1) establish community-based drowning prevention programs; (2) disseminate water safety education among children and their parents; (3) increase life jacket use by children; (4) integrate drowning …

Award amount: $156863.00

Washington — Targeted Issue
Adolescent Drowning Risk Assessment and Prevention
Oct. 1, 1997 - Sept. 30, 1999
Grant Number: H34MC00007

This project aims to assess the problem of drowning for 15-19-year-olds because adolescents know little about the risk-taking for drowning. The project also aims to develop interventions because none are specifically designed to address risk factors for this age group. The goals of this project are to (1) reduce drownings …

Award amount: $200000.00

Washington — Targeted Issue
Reducing Adolescent Risk Behavior
Oct. 1, 1998 - Sept. 30, 2000
Grant Number: H34MC00068

Acute trauma can provide a teachable moment for injury prevention of adolescents. The goals of this project are to (1) develop, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of an emergency department's ability to decrease risk-taking behavior among adolescents; (2) use a rigorous research design in a high-risk population, with the goal …

Award amount: $150000.00

Washington — Targeted Issue
Improving the Injury Prevention Capacity of Child Fatality Review Teams
March 1, 2004 - Feb. 28, 2007
Grant Number: H34MC02543

Child Death Review (CDR) teams review child deaths and recommend strategies to prevent similar deaths. Injury is the most common cause of death in childhood. Most CDR teams lack data and resources required to generate scientifically sound prevention recommendations after reviewing an injury death. The goal of this project is …

Award amount: $453897.00