State Partnerships

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State Successes: Arkansas introduces kits for Safe Haven Baby Boxes

This month we sat down with one of our newest EMSC program managers, Kellie Tolliver, …

EMSC Day Celebrations ramp up: PECC webinar & thank-you video

As part of EMSC Day, which occurs annually on the Wednesday of National EMS Week, …

Thank you for a successful 2023 EMS for Children Survey

The EMSC Data Center (EDC) extends its sincere thanks to everyone who helped make the …

Meet the Managers: Welcome to new managers in Arkansas, Ohio, and West Virginia

The EMSC Program is thrilled to introduce three new State Partnership Program managers for Arkansas, …

State successes: Texas launches first air medical pediatric recognition effort

The Texas EMSC State Partnership Program is the first to launch its pediatric recognition program …

State Partnership Program Managers: Learn about opportunities to improve outcomes for children in your state’s EDs

Research continually demonstrates that high pediatric readiness – or following national, evidence-based guidelines for pediatric …

Meet the Managers: Welcome the newest State Partnership Program Managers!

The EMSC Program is thrilled to introduce four new State Partnership Program managers for the …

State successes: How Arkansas EMSC uses collaboration, technology to share prehospital education

The Arkansas EMSC State Partnership Program, Arkansas Children’s, and the Department of Health have been …

Looking back at 2022

What we accomplished in 2022 - thanks to your help. Prehospital pediatric readiness:-Received survey responses …