Weight in Kilograms

Previous Chats

Sept 24, 2019

In this short call, we reviewed the aggregate data up to this point. Our SME, Dr. Marianne Gausche-Hill mapped out the process of weighing children in kilograms and moderated a discussion with participating sites on best practices such as weighing teens with mental health care needs on the gurney.

Power Point slides

June 4, 2019

A recording of this Fireside Chat is not available. Please see the summary sheet for a recap of this session.

Dr. Marianne Gaushe-Hill highlighted the importance of recording weight only in kilograms by presenting two case studies of children whose weight was misrecorded, the results of those errors and detailed several best practices and resources, such as conversion charts, to help avoid this issue. This was followed by a discussion on recognition of child abuse and well as establishing a "Just Culture" around errors.

PowerPoint Slides

Summary PDF

February 19, 2019

Sue Cadwell discusses the importance of family-centered care and scripting to ensure children are weighed in kilograms only.