Inter-Facility Transfer

Previous Chats

September 17, 2019

Dr. Tony Woodward and Lisa Nichols, our subject matter experts for this bundle, reviewed common sources of transfer delays and detailed the components of a family transfer packet.

Power Point Slides

June 4, 2019

Our subject matter experts Lisa Nichols and Dr. Tony Woodward reviewed the components of a good transfer plan and provided examples of good inter-facility practices. Lisa Nichols began the outlining the goals of pediatric interfacility transport and detailing how a facility could determine the types of patients that will need to be transferred and presenting the important components of a transfer plan. Dr. Tony Woodward continued by reviewing inter-facility transfer data from the Environmental Scan and then clearly outlining the responsibilities of each the referral and receiving centers. That chat concluded with each speaker sharing cases that illustrated the need for organized processes for transferring children.

PowerPoint Slides

Summary PDF

February 5, 2019

Power Point Slides