Learning Sessions

Final Learning Session

The recording of this session will be posted here when available

December, 2020 | 12:00 ET / 11:00 CT

For our final Learning Session we will review the final results of the Environmental Scan and celebrate our successes. Final date TBA.

Learning Session #4: Check-In: Challenges, Barriers, & Jan Tabletop Planning

October 27, 2020 | 12:00 ET / 11:00 CT

During this learning session we divided into breakout rooms to discuss enablers, barriers and areas for better support from the collaborative. We also discussed the potential bonus tabletop patient tracking and family reunification exercise for January.

Click here to download the slides

Learning Session #3: Patient Tracking and Reunification

September 15, 2020 | 12:00 ET / 11:00 CT

For our third Learning Session, Dr. Sarita Chung gave an overview of patient tracking and family reunification best practices and resources

Click here to download the slides

Learning Session #2: Regional Disaster Coalitions

August 25, 2020 | 12:00 ET / 11:00 CT

Our second Learning Session will include a debrief of the tabletop exercises. We will then begin to talk about regional disaster coalitions, network building and participation in the virtual exercise.

Click here to download the slides.

Learning Session #1: The Pediatric Champion

July 14, 2020 | 12:00 ET / 11:00 CT

During first Learning Session, we will review the results of the Environmental Scan and introduce our first set of modules on the role of the Pediatric Champion in promoting pediatric inclusion in hospital disaster policies and drills.

Download a copy of the slides

Official Launch and Welcome

July 7, 2020 | 12:00 ET / 11:00 CT

We will begin with introductions and then review the structure of the collaborative including the bi-weekly release of the modules and the REDCap data capture system.

Download a copy of the slides