A digest of EMSC Program News and Activities
Issue #77 | Nov. 30, 2022

Key takeaways from survey of 8,000+ EMS agencies

Children’s Mental Health Crisis: Join EMSC’s Next QI Collaborative

Welcoming the Newest Pediatric Disaster Center of Excellence

Community-based Clinics: Join a Disaster Preparedness QI Initiative

Introducing the 2022 Pediatric Pandemic Network Scholars

PECARN: Low Risk of Bacterial Meningitis in Young Febrile Infants

Patient and Family Perspectives: Sara Mullins, FF, EMT
Resources Round-Up:
Featured resource: In honor of November as National Epilepsy Awareness month, be sure to check out the Pediatric Education and Advocacy Kit (PEAK): Status Epilepticus, featuring an interactive learning module for prehospital practitioners. Since 2021, over 5,500 prehospital practitioners have completed the interactive module. More than 75% of learners report the lesson to be high quality and better than most online EMS courses they have taken.
Policy statements
- AAP: Eliminating Race-Based Medicine
- AAP: Firearm-Related Injuries and Deaths in Children and Youth: Injury Prevention and Harm Reduction
Clinical resources
- EMSC, PPN, and the Pediatric Disaster Centers of Excellence: Pediatric surge resources and recommendations and Pediatric RSV surge resources for prehospital/EMS
- EIIC: Pediatric Education and Advocacy Kit (PEAK): Agitation
- AAP: Amoxicillin Shortage: Antibiotic Options for Common Pediatric Conditions
- AHRQ: Infection Prevention and Control for the Emergency Medical Services and 911 Workforce
- FDA: Reuse Tracheostomy Tubes or Switch to Appropriate Alternatives During Shortage: FDA Safety Communication
EMSC grantee resources
- EMSC: Nov. 9 Town Hall Recording
- EMSC Data Center: EMS for Children Survey National Report
Other resources
- PPN: Pediatric Emergency and Disaster Search (PEDS) Tool
- AAP: Section on Emergency Medicine coding webinar recordings - Nov. 3 & Nov. 15
- AAP: Leading Health Care Organizations Urge Action to Protect Physicians, Hospitals, Patients and Families from Violence
- ACEP: ED Crowding and Boarding: Stories, talking points, and more
- Childress Institute for Pediatric Trauma: Status of Pediatric Trauma System Development in the United States (Principal Investigator is Mary Fallat, MD, an EIIC Advisory Board member, former EMSC Targeted Issues grantee, and current PPN principal investigator)
- Center for Pediatric Traumatic Stress: Resources for children coping with injury, illness, and treatment (including hospitalization)
- NASEM: Supporting Children with Disabilities: Lessons from the Pandemic, A Workshop
- National Pediatric Disaster Conference: 2022 conference materials
- SAMHSA: National Guidelines for Child and Youth Behavioral Health Crisis Care
Upcoming Events, Conferences, and Deadlines:
- National Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Conference - Nov. 29 - Dec. 1
- Federal Interagency Committee on EMS (FICEMS) virtual meeting - Dec. 7
- NASEM Workshop: Applying Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Research and Development for Future Epidemics - Dec. 7-8
- ACS Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) Annual Conference - Dec. 11-13 (make sure to visit EIIC’s booth)
- Clinic-based teams disaster preparedness QI initiative registration deadline - Dec. 31
- ED STOP Suicide QI Collaborative registration deadline - Jan. 13
- NAEMSP Annual Meeting - Jan. 23-28; note Pediatric Track on Jan. 27, featuring “Getting Ready for Kids...The National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Program” with EMSC’s Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD; Manish Shah, MD; Katherine Remick, MD
- Save the date! ACS Trauma Quality Improvement Program pediatric readiness webinar - Jan. 25
Action opportunities:
- EMS World is accepting proposals for presentations at the 2023 EMS World Expo Conference. The deadline for submission is Dec. 2.
- ENA is calling for 2023 programming content. Submit your personal story, research, conference presentation ideas, and other emergency nursing content by Jan. 20.
Funding opportunities:
- Emergency Medicine Foundation/ENA Foundation’s Evidence-Based Safety Measures for ED-Based Professionals Request for Proposal – deadline is Feb. 4.
Career opportunities:
- EMSC State Partnership Specialist – Dell Medical School, The University of Texas at Austin
- EIIC Research Operations Associate – Baylor College of Medicine
Honors & Awards
- Joelle N. Simpson, MD, MPH, FAAP, a principal investigator with the Pediatric Pandemic Network, is being awarded with the AAP Jane Knapp Emerging Pediatric Emergency Medicine Leader Award.
- Joseph L. Wright, MD, MPH, FAAP, a former medical director of the EMSC National Resource Center, is being awarded the AAP Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Award.
Five Stories Worth Reading
- It’s not just RSV that’s filling pediatric hospital beds,– CNN, Nov. 3 (by Moira Szilagyi, MD, PhD, FAAP, president of the AAP)
- Respiratory infection surge sounds a wake-up call for pediatric emergency care – Stat, Nov. 3 (by Marc Auerbach, MD, MSci, a member of EIIC's leadership team)
- How to Manage Acute Agitation in Children – ACEP Now, Nov. 9 (by Ashley Foster, MD; Joyce Li, MD, MPH; and Jennifer Hoffmann, MD, on behalf of the EIIC)
- 'I've Never Seen Anything Like This' in the Pediatric ED— Greater awareness and support can help reduce the strain I've Never Seen Anything Like This' in the Pediatric ED, - Medpage Today, Nov. 10 (by Sage Myers, MD, MSCE, an EMSC Program grantee)
- Study finds ‘huge’ increase in children going to the emergency room with suicidal thoughts – CNN, Nov. 14
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