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Raising the bar for pediatric trauma care

More children die of injury each year than from all other causes combined. But only …

Do you work in a trauma center?

We are excited to announce a Trauma Improvement Sprint over two half-day sessions on Feb. …

Improving access to care through the Telehealth Collaborative

During the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency departments saw a 70% decrease in visits for children 14 …

10 reasons to join the PECC Workforce Development Collaborative

Missed the 30-minute informational webinar on July 14? Watch it here. Led by the Emergency …

Learn about the PECC Workforce Development Collaborative on July 14

Pediatric emergency care coordinators, also known as PECCs, are vital to providing quality care to …

Q&A with a prehospital PECC: “It's worth it”

Join an informational webinar about the PECC Workforce Development Collaborative on July 14! Learn more.More …