NPRP CoP Webinars
ED Clinicians EMS CliniciansDecember 14, 2021
AAP SOEM/Pediatric Readiness Subcommittee Webinar: Pediatric Readiness in Rural and Underserved Communities
Expert Panelists: Elizabeth Sanseau, MD, MS; Shawn D'Andrea, MD, MPH; David Nelson, MD.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe a program intervention proposed to optimize the care received by AI/AN children and youth in emergency settings
- Discuss VT organizations and methods of improving pediatric readiness
- Recognize common elements of successful pediatric readiness programs in rural and underserved communities
September 14, 2021
AAP SOEM/Pediatric Readiness Subcommittee Webinar: How to get involved in pediatric readiness scholarship/research
Expert Panelists: Craig Newgard, Hillary Hewes , Michael Ely, Clay Mann
Learning objectives:
- Summarize research opportunities related to Peds Ready
- Describe methods to access Peds Ready data
- Commit to integrating pediatric readiness into their research/scholarship
June 8, 2021
AAP SOEM/Pediatric Readiness Subcommittee Webinar: A Health Services Approach to Pediatric Readiness Research: Access and Outcomes
Learning objectives:
- Report the relationship between pediatric readiness and patient outcomes in critically ill children
- Describe variations in access to pediatric ready Eds across the United States
- Understand pediatric readiness data availability and method of access to data
- Identify ways to get involved in pediatric readiness research
March 9, 2021
AAP SOEM/Pediatric Readiness Subcommittee Webinar: Improving Prehospital Pediatric Readiness: The Pediatrician's Role
Leanring objectives:
- Describe how the "Pediatric Readiness in Emergency Medical Services Systems" Joint Policy Statement facilitated the development of the National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project
- Outline next steps for national prehospital pediatric readiness efforts
- Discuss how pediatricians, PEM physicians, and other providers can engage in prehospital pediatric readiness work
December 15, 2020
AAP SOHM/SOEM Webinar: Challenges to ensuring optimal critical care in a community setting
Please complete the following survey to provide feedback on the talk + ideas for the future of this work.
April 30, 2020
We have three major action items if individuals are interested in taking the lead please let us know:
ACTION 1: SURVEY 1- repeat survey of individuals currently involved in pediatric readiness across country in this COP- expansion of survey from 4/19 posted results on website- landscape of current projects related to peds readiness, how supported (time, $), opportunities for collaboration
ACTION 2: SURVEY 2- new scholarly survey on models of pediatric care nationally (role of PECC OR pediatric champion at levels of system, hospital, ED), funding models,
ACTION 3: COP WEBINAR: Plan JUNE/JULY on The pediatric perspective in pandemic/epidemics from the perspective of the community hospital +/- Children’s Hospital (POPCORN GROUP)- SEND NAMES OF SPEAKERS/IDEAS/OBJECTIVES
ACTION 4: Create content to disseminate to EM and pediatrics and family medicine fellowships/residency programs to communicate role of pediatric readiness/PECC as career path.
Links to resources discussed on the call
EIIC Website:
Prior webinars from COP:
Pediatric Readiness Guidelines:
Prehospital Peds Readiness Guidelines:
Hospital Guidelines:
January 16, 2020
After viewing this webinar, attendees will be able to:
- Understand how the Pediatric Readiness Survey can be used to develop uniformity in pediatric emergency care in a rural health care system’s EDs
- Understand how the Pediatric Readiness Project can be instrumental in development of a de novo pediatric emergency medicine program
- Report the four barriers to improving pediatric readiness across a health system/hospital and strategies to address them
Download presentation slides here.
September 17, 2019
PowerPoint Slides:
- Katherine Remick, MD, FAAP, FACEP, FAEMS: Developing a Regionalized System forPediatric Quality Improvement in theEmergency Department
- Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD, FACEP, FAAP, FAEMS: Los Angeles Pediatric Readiness: Four Decades in Innovation for Regionalization of Pediatric Emergency Care
March 28, 2019
The first NPRP COP webinar was held March 28, 2019.