NPRP CoP Webinars

ED clinicians Prehospital

December 14, 2021

AAP SOEM/Pediatric Readiness Subcommittee Webinar: Pediatric Readiness in Rural and Underserved Communities

Expert Panelists: Elizabeth Sanseau, MD, MS; Shawn D'Andrea, MD, MPH; David Nelson, MD.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe a program intervention proposed to optimize the care received by AI/AN children and youth in emergency settings
  2. Discuss VT organizations and methods of improving pediatric readiness
  3. Recognize common elements of successful pediatric readiness programs in rural and underserved communities

September 14, 2021

AAP SOEM/Pediatric Readiness Subcommittee Webinar: How to get involved in pediatric readiness scholarship/research

Expert Panelists: Craig Newgard, Hillary Hewes , Michael Ely, Clay Mann

Learning objectives:

  1. Summarize research opportunities related to Peds Ready
  2. Describe methods to access Peds Ready data
  3. Commit to integrating pediatric readiness into their research/scholarship

June 8, 2021

AAP SOEM/Pediatric Readiness Subcommittee Webinar: A Health Services Approach to Pediatric Readiness Research: Access and Outcomes

Learning objectives:

  1. Report the relationship between pediatric readiness and patient outcomes in critically ill children
  2. Describe variations in access to pediatric ready Eds across the United States
  3. Understand pediatric readiness data availability and method of access to data
  4. Identify ways to get involved in pediatric readiness research

March 9, 2021

AAP SOEM/Pediatric Readiness Subcommittee Webinar: Improving Prehospital Pediatric Readiness: The Pediatrician's Role

Leanring objectives:

  1. Describe how  the "Pediatric Readiness in Emergency Medical Services Systems" Joint Policy Statement facilitated the development of the National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project
  2. Outline next steps for national prehospital pediatric readiness efforts
  3. Discuss how pediatricians, PEM physicians, and other providers can engage in prehospital pediatric readiness work

December 15, 2020

AAP SOHM/SOEM Webinar: Challenges to ensuring optimal critical care in a community setting

Please complete the following survey to provide feedback on the talk + ideas for the future of this work.

April 30, 2020

We have three major action items if individuals are interested in taking the lead please let us know:

ACTION 1:  SURVEY 1- repeat survey of individuals currently involved in pediatric readiness across country in this COP- expansion of survey from 4/19 posted results on website- landscape of current projects related to peds readiness, how supported (time, $), opportunities for collaboration

ACTION 2: SURVEY 2- new scholarly survey on models of pediatric care nationally (role of PECC OR pediatric champion at levels of system, hospital, ED), funding models,

ACTION 3: COP WEBINAR: Plan JUNE/JULY on The pediatric perspective in pandemic/epidemics from the perspective of the community hospital +/- Children’s Hospital (POPCORN GROUP)- SEND NAMES OF SPEAKERS/IDEAS/OBJECTIVES

ACTION 4: Create content to disseminate to EM and pediatrics and family medicine fellowships/residency programs to communicate role of pediatric readiness/PECC as career path.

Links to resources discussed on the call

EIIC Website:

Prior webinars from COP:

Pediatric Readiness Guidelines:

Prehospital Peds Readiness Guidelines:

Hospital Guidelines:

January 16, 2020

After viewing this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  1. Understand how the Pediatric Readiness Survey can be used to develop uniformity in pediatric emergency care in a rural health care system’s EDs
  2. Understand how the Pediatric Readiness Project can be instrumental in development of a de novo pediatric emergency medicine program
  3. Report the four barriers to improving pediatric readiness across a health system/hospital and strategies to address them

Download presentation slides here.

March 28, 2019

The first NPRP COP webinar was held March 28, 2019.