Activity Resource Packet
- New England EMS for Children
- State EMSC Webpages
- New England Regional Behavioral Health Toolkit
- Activity Resource Packet
- Toolkit Steering Committee
- Pediatric Behavioral Health Video and Podcast Series
- Comprehensive Care Bundle
- Foundations of Pediatric Preparedness Virtual Forum
- PWDC - PECC Workforce Development Collaborative
- New England Regional PECC Toolkit
Resource leader: Joyce Li MD MPH
Team members: Jennifer Schlebusch, Samantha Swankowski, Marc Minkler

This packet contains a self-care, no-cost activities binder and ED resource guide for patients with behavioral health conditions.
The goal of this resource packet is to give you age appropriate activities that can be done in the ED setting for pediatric patients with a behavioral health condition. In this packet, you will find two resources and supporting advertising material: 1) a no cost self care activities binder that ED staff and caregivers can use with patients while they are boarding, 2) an ED staff purchasing guide for additional age appropriate, safe items and activities you can purchase for your patients, 3) advertising material including a draft email template and poster to help inform your staff about this resource. Please watch the brief video below for a walk through of all the items in this resource packet.
Introductory Video
Please watch the video for an introduction to items in this packet.
This is a no cost, self-care guide that can be given to parents as a guide to activities that they can do with their children while they are waiting in the ED. This guide contains no cost activities such as mindfulness activities, gratitude exercises, and easy to do yoga exercises as well as communication boards. The guide is written to be given to caregivers to review with their children as activities while they are boarding in the ED. There are several printable documents in the online activities resource binder that you can print out and place in a binder. We have written instructions on how to make the binder, how to use the binder, and a script for ED staff to use when presenting this guide to patient caregivers. This can be found a the link below, labelled "Self Care Packet Instructions".
It is important that all staff that may be introducing the binder to the caregivers become familiar with it prior to giving it to the caregiver. We would recommend that after making the binder and placing it in the ED, to send out an email to alert staff to the binder, with the self-care guide and the self-care instructions PDF's for them to review. We have a draft email that you can use to send to all staff as a part of the resource packet at the link below labelled "Introduction email to self-care binder and a poster you can post in your ED at the link labelled "Self-care poster".
Purchasing Safe Pediatric Resource Materials
This ED staff purchasing guide is intended for ED PECC's and administrators that are able to purchase additional materials and activities for pediatric patients with a behavioral health condition.
The Purchasing Guide contains a variety of suggested toys, art products, and other items for different age groups. These are considered safe for pediatric patients presenting with a behavioral health condition, as well as examples of these items and suggested places to purchase these items and ways to distribute to patients and families. We do not endorse any of these example products as being superior to any other product, and we are receiving no financial endorsement from these items. This list is meant to only give you examples of items you can purchase. Click the link below for a copy of the purchasing guide.
We hope that you will find this resource helpful!
Please contact the resource leader, Joyce Li, with any questions!