EMSC Pulse

A digest of EMSC Program News and Activities

Issue #75 | Oct. 4, 2022

EMSC Scholars 2022 collage 2
Meet the 2022 EMSC Scholars
PECCLC logo sized
Barriers and Enablers to Recruiting for the PECC Role in EMS Agencies
PECARN meeting - Pam - sized
PECARN Meeting Highlights Advances, Future Work
Disaster hospitals smaller
Improving Pediatric Disaster Preparedness Plans: Apply by Oct. 10
Asthma young patient smaller
Study Targets Improving Prehospital Asthma Treatment for Children
Mike Turner
Patient and Family Perspectives: Mike Turner
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Featured resource:

The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Emergency Physicians, and the Emergency Nurses Association published the first joint policy statement to address pediatric patient safety in the emergency care setting yesterday. The statement and  accompanying technical report  emphasize the concept of pediatric readiness.

New resources round-up:

Policy Statements

Condition-Specific Resources

Disaster Resources

Other Resources

Upcoming events:

Action Opportunities

  • AAP is recruiting primary care practice teams for an Infection Prevention and Control Quality Improvement ECHO starting Jan. 2023. Learn more.

Five headlines worth reading this month:

  1. ‘Disaster Mode’: Emergency Rooms Across Canada Close Amid Crisis - New York Times, Sept. 15
  2. Covid shots for young kids arrived in June. Few have received them. - Washington Post, Sept. 18
  3. Violence in Emergency Departments on the Rise - MedPage Today, Sept. 22
  4. Mental Health Crisis Leads Hospitals to Create a New Type of ER - Bloomberg, Sept. 26
  5. Embedded Bias: How Medical Records Show Discrimination - Kaiser Health News, Sept. 26

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