EMSC Grants Database

EMSC Grantees Research State Partnerships

Welcome to our searchable database of all EMSC grants. Below you will find all current and historical grants organized by state. By clicking on a state, you will access all grants (such as State Partnership Programs, PECARN, Targeted Issues) issued to that state. Under each grant you will find:

  • Summary of the project
  • Total award amount
  • HRSA, EMSC, HPP and NASEMSO Region
  • Contact information

The database is also searchable by keyword, grant type or state. We are committed to keeping our database as current as possible. If you notice a needed update or error, please contact us.

Alaska — State Partnership
Alaska Emergency Medical Service for Children State Partnership
Jan. 1, 1989 - Present
Grant Number: H3306688 (old #: H33MC06688)

The Alaska EMSC program goals include: (1) Improving pre-hospital pediatric emergency care readiness through developing quality improvement processes, designating pediatric care coordinators, establishing training and skills processes, promoting increased community outreach projects and connecting Alaskan providers with 24/7 pediatric medical direction; (2) Increasing hospital pediatric emergency care readiness through the …

Alabama — State Partnership
Alabama EMSC State Partnership Grant
Jan. 1, 1986 - Present
Grant Number: H3306713 (old #: H33MC09713)

The mission of the Alabama Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Program is to prevent and reduce child, youth and adolescent disability and death resultant of severe illness and injury. Currently, the Alabama EMSC Program’s focus is to receive funding to continue the previously established child-focused programs. The program goals …

Arkansas — State Partnership
Arkansas EMSC State Partnership Grant Program
Jan. 1, 1987 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC11303

The EMSC program will promote the permanence of the program in the Arkansas state EMS by working for placement of a representative on the Governor’s Advisory Council. The EMSC program will assist EMS services to acquire needed equipment through the purchase of equipment. Integration of EMSC priorities will be included …

American Samoa — State Partnership
American Samoa EMSC State Partnership Grant
March 1, 2014 - Present
Grant Number: H3306697 (old #: H33MC06697)

Assess and improve the operational capacity of American Samoa to provide emergency care to children of our territory. Evaluation and strategic planning will be incorporated to identify and generate support for the sustainability of EMSC initiatives through legislative, regulatory, policy change, or other means. Goal: Assess and improve the operational …

Arizona — State Partnership
Arizona Emergency Medical Services for Children
April 1, 1997 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06690

Goals: Improve the quality, safety availability, and consistency of child emergency medical care throughout Arizona; Provide ongoing assessment of the pediatric emergency medical services delivery system; Support pediatric emergency care training that is effective, sustainable, portable, and can be replicated whenever needed; Encourage use of evidence-based/informed guidelines for emergency care …

California — State Partnership
California EMSC State Partnership Grant
Jan. 1, 1986 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC07874

The overall goal of the California EMSC Program is to assess and strengthen the current status of pediatric emergency care statewide by improving the readiness of EMS providers to respond to critically ill and injured children: (1) Continue integrating EMSC into the State EMS system; (2) Complete the requirements of …

Colorado — State Partnership
EMSC State Partnership Program & Rural Expansion Project – Colorado
Jan. 1, 1992 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC31619

The purpose of the Colorado EMS for Children State Partnership Program will be to expand and improve emergency medical services for children who need treatment for trauma or critical care. This program will improve systems of emergency pediatric care by focusing on electronic health information systems, coordination of care, increased …

Connecticut — State Partnership
Connecticut EMSC
Jan. 1, 1991 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC29430

Working to ensure that every ill and injured child, no matter where they live, attend school, or travel in Connecticut, receive appropriate emergency medical care.

District of Columbia — State Partnership
DC EMS for Children State Partnership
Jan. 1, 1987 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06715

Given the status of the District of Columbia (DC) as the nation’s capital, its increased visibility to Congress, and its role as a venue for important national and international events, it is especially important to ensure an Emergency Medical Services for Children’s presence within the DC EMS system. The District …

Delaware — State Partnership
Delaware EMSC State Partnership
Jan. 1, 1997 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC07872

The goals of Delaware EMSC are to ensure continuous improvement of EMSC in Delaware, and to integrate EMSC priorities into the state EMS System.

Florida — State Partnership
Florida EMSC Partnership Grant
Oct. 1, 1987 - March 31, 2023
Grant Number: H33MC06722

The purpose of the EMSC State Partnership Program is to expand and improve emergency medical services for children who need treatment for trauma or critical care. EMSC staff continue to work toward statewide integration of children’s issues into the EMS system through 1) uniform data collection for evaluating systems and …

Florida — State Partnership
EMSC State Partnership
April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2027
Grant Number: H33MC48998

The purpose of the Florida EMSC State Partnership Program is to expand and improve emergency medical services for children who need treatment for trauma or critical care. Specific objectives focus on increasing the percentage of Florida EDs and EMS agencies having a pediatric emergency care coordinator/champion), solidifying a mechanism to …

Federated States of Micronesia — State Partnership
FSM EMSC Partnership Grant
April 1, 2013 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC25687
Georgia — State Partnership
EMSC State Partnership - Georgia
Jan. 1, 1994 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC23294

A process for recognizing an ED's capability to manage medical and trauma emergencies in children does not exist in Georgia. For proper care initially and after an inter-facility transfer, a statewide system of recognition is needed. In addition to establishing this system, 50% Of EDs will obtain trauma recognition and …

Guam — State Partnership
Guam EMS for Children
April 1, 2000 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06696

To ensure that all children and adolescents receive appropriate medical care in a health emergency-no matter where they live, travel, or attend school. Services provided under this program include pediatric emergency care training to emergency medical technicians and nurses and procurement of pediatric emergency equipment.

Hawaii — State Partnership
Hawaii EMS for Children
Jan. 1, 1987 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC31620 (pre-2018 H33MC26764)

The EMSC State Partnership Program is a statewide collaborative project under EMSC that provides funds to states to assist in improving the pediatric component of their EMS system. Its mission is to ensure effective pediatric emergency care according to best practice standards statewide through expanding and improving the state’s capacity.

Iowa — State Partnership
Iowa EMSC State Partnership Program
Oct. 1, 1995 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06723

Maintain continued compliance with the federal HRSA EMSC program performance measurers by assuring state rules and regulations remain in place for on-line and off-line medical direction, state categorization and verification process of trauma care facilities capable of taking care of pediatric patients, trauma system transfer guidelines and agreements, pediatric representation …

Idaho — State Partnership
Idaho EMS for Children State Partnership
Oct. 1, 1997 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06687

Ensure that all pre-hospital EMS agencies are submitting NEMSIS compliant data. Make sure that all EMS agencies in Idaho have a designated Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator and have a process for practicing pediatric skills. Recognize all hospitals in Idaho that are able to stabilize and manage pediatric medical and traumatic …

Illinois — State Partnership
EMSC State Partnership within Illinois
Jan. 1, 1994 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC31621 (pre-2018 H33MC06685)

The grant goal is to implement and maintain the Federal EMSC PMs, and continue to enhance the pediatric readiness of our state’s EMS System, by: 1. Developing processes to assure compliance with PMs 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, and 08. 2. Continuing to maintain achievement in all other performance measures. …

Indiana — State Partnership
Indiana Emergency Medical Services for Children Program
Oct. 1, 1996 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC11304

iEMSC focuses on improving the quality of emergency care for children with serious injury and illness, by integrating children’s interests into the existing hospital and EMS system. We represent the unique needs of children within the healthcare community throughout the state, working to ensure that all children everywhere in Indiana …

Kansas — State Partnership
Kansas EMSC State Partnership
Jan. 1, 1988 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06726

The first goal in the program is to enhance the emergency medical care for children by healthcare providers. The objectives to accomplish this goal includes: (1) increasing the quantity and quality of pediatric education for healthcare providers and acquire. (2) disseminate pediatric equipment to EMS agencies and hospitals. The second …

Kentucky — State Partnership
Kentucky EMS for Children & Rural Expansion Project
Jan. 1, 1992 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC08042

Our program focuses on developing and sustaining the Kentucky (KY) EMSC initiative within the State EMS system by working toward fulfillment of the HRSA Performance Measures (PMs). This is done through coalition building, pediatric public policy education, resource development, and funding to reduce child and youth disability and death due …

Louisiana — State Partnership
Louisiana EMSC State Partnership Grant
Jan. 1, 1989 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06702

The mission of the Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) program is to decrease pediatric morbidity and mortality. The EMSC program works to bring together a variety of organizations and stakeholders, including EMS agencies, emergency departments, healthcare providers, policymakers, communities, and families, to collaborate around the following: - Data collection …

Massachusetts — State Partnership
Massachusetts EMS for Children State Partnership Program
Jan. 1, 1993 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06721

Our goal is to reduce pediatric mortality and morbidity resulting from severe illness or trauma.

Maryland — State Partnership
Maryland EMSC Partnership Grant
Jan. 1, 1987 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06728

Goals: 1. Operationalize Pediatric Readiness for Maryland’s 49 emergency departments located within acute care hospitals and in freestanding emergency medical facilities through the development of specific criteria for each level and establishment of a recognition process that includes urban, suburban and rural EDs. Pediatric Readiness criteria will be developed and …

Maine — State Partnership
Maine EMSC State Partnership
Jan. 1, 1987 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC31622

The program’s goal is to reduce childhood morbidity and mortality due to life threatening illness and injuries.

Marshall Islands — State Partnership
RMI Emergency Medical Services for Children Program
March 1, 2013 - Feb. 28, 2019
Grant Number: H33MC25688

The Program aims to ensure that emergency medical care for injured and ill children and adolescents is well established and integrated into the current EMS system to reduce child and adolescent mortality and morbidity and to ensure that the entire spectrum of emergency services, including primary prevention of illness and …

Michigan — State Partnership
Michigan EMSC Program
Oct. 1, 1994 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06677

Our objectives are to: 1. Collaborate with the National EMSC Data Analysis Resource Center (NEDARC). 2. Conduct audits and needs assessments for the purpose of data collection and analysis. 3. Establish awareness to enlist partnerships. 4. Utilize the expertise of our advisory committee members. 5. Focus on Children with Special …

Minnesota — State Partnership
Minnesota EMSC State Partnership Grant
Jan. 1, 1996 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC06686

We work together to save children’s lives. Our goal is to ensure that all children receive the best appropriate care in a health emergency. We work to achieve the Federal EMSC Performance Measures, to improve the pediatric emergency care infrastructure in Minnesota and enhance the pediatric readiness of our EMS …

Missouri — State Partnership
Missouri EMS for Children State Partnership
Oct. 1, 1999 - Present
Grant Number: H33MC31623

The overall mission of the Missouri Emergency Medical Services for Children (MOEMSC) Program is to reduce the prevalence of pediatric morbidity and mortality that may occur as a result of acute illness and severe injury.