ED STOP Suicide QI Collaborative Registration Now Open
- Published October 31, 2022

Registration is now open for the Emergency Department (ED) STOP (Screening and Treating Options for Pediatric) Suicide QI Collaborative. The free quality improvement (QI) collaborative runs February through November 2023 and aims to empower ED-based teams to improve clinical care processes for children and adolescents presenting to the ED with acute suicidality.
Who should join this QI collaborative?
- Any hospital or freestanding ED team of 2-4 individuals.
- Teams can include any ED staff, such as physicians, nurses, social workers, mental health professionals, child life specialists, medical watch personnel, and others.
- The collaborative is also open to EMSC State Partnership program managers.
Why join?
- Eight, one-hour monthly sessions to share strategies and help identify ways to improve outcomes for children in your ED
- Work alongside national experts in pediatric mental health
- Develop an improvement project or process specific to your organization
- Connect with and learn from colleagues at hospital and freestanding EDs across your region and the country
- Earn CEUs, CEs, or MOC Part 4 credits at no cost
Registration details
- Team leads are asked to register their entire team. Team leads should know their team members’ names and email addresses.
- The deadline to register is Jan. 13, 2023.
Informational webinar
The EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center (EIIC) hosted an informational webinar Oct. 25 to introduce the collaborative and featured three subject matter experts in pediatric mental health and QI:
- Moh Saidinejad, MD, MS, MBA, FAAP, FACEP, EIIC Knowledge Management co-lead
- Susan Duffy, MD, MPH, FAAP, FACEP, EIIC Advisory Board member
- Kate Remick, MD, FAAP, FACEP, FAEMS, co-director of the EIIC and co-lead for Collaboratives
The speakers provided background on the state of pediatric mental and behavioral health, explained the needs and options for ED improvement efforts, and shared the structure of the upcoming collaborative. The recording and slides are available here.