Participation Details


This is a voluntary collaborative open to EMSC State Partnership Program Directors and Managers working toward achieving the EMSC Performance Measures requiring both ED and prehospital pediatric recognition programs.


The collaborative will kick off on September 11, 2023 at the EMSC All-Grantee Meeting and will run through December 2024 (16 months). Monthly learning sessions will be held on the third Thursday of the month from 1:30–3pm CT. Attending the monthly learning sessions is encouraged; however, sessions will be recorded and posted for those unable to attend live.

The PRRPC will provide opportunities for EMSC State Partnership (SP) Program teams to work with and learn from other state/ territory teams. Participants will have access to learning sessions led by experts, evidenced-based and best practice resources, and networking opportunities to build a robust pediatric readiness recognition program for EDs and/or EMS agencies in their state or territory.

Between learning sessions, participants should meet with their teams to work on their programs.

Areas of Focus

This Collaborative will consist of monthly sessions concentrating on the following focus areas:

  • ED recognition programs
  • Prehospital Recognition programs

Improvement Project

After the September 2023 Kick Off session, SP teams will be asked to identify one or more areas of focus for their recognition program. Teams who already have a recognition program in place are encouraged to consider strategies to enhance or expand their impact. Using quality improvement (QI) principles, participants will identify change strategies including: creating SMART aims; developing key driver diagrams; integrating other QI tools into our everyday work; and sustainability and dissemination techniques. During monthly learning sessions, SP teams will be asked to share their efforts, including progress and challenges. At the end of the collaborative, teams can expect to have laid the foundation for, developed, or improved pediatric recognition programs within their state or territory.

Time Commitment

Depending on participant engagement, the total time commitment may range from 4 to 8 hours per month (based on an estimated 1.5 hours for the monthly learning sessions; the remaining time to be dedicated to work outside of learning sessions).