EMSC Pulse

A digest of EMSC Program News and Activities

Issue #80 | March 2, 2023

Featured resource: In collaboration with the American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program, EMSC Program representatives presented “A Practical Approach to Addressing Deficiencies in Pediatric Readiness” Jan. 25 to more than 500 attendees. The webinar described the importance of pediatric readiness and resources and tools for meeting pediatric readiness standards, which are now part of trauma center verification. Watch the recording.

Resources round-up

Policy statements:

Disaster resources:

EMSC grantee resources:

Additional resources:

Upcoming events, conferences, deadlines:

Funding opportunity

Five headlines worth reading this month

  1. Almost half of children who go to ER with mental health crisis don't get the follow-up care they need, study finds - CNN, Feb. 13
  2. Doctors Are Disappearing From Emergency Rooms as Hospitals Look to Cut Costs - Kaiser Health News, Feb. 13
  3. Teen Girls Report Record Levels of Sadness, C.D.C. Finds - New York Times, Feb. 13
  4. Harvard-Hospital Partnership Tackles Pediatric Emergencies In Lakota Country - Forbes, Feb. 27 (highlights EMSC work with the Indian Health Service)
  5. A surge in sick children exposed a need for major changes to U.S. hospitals - NPR, March 3 (explores pediatric readiness and respiratory surge and features EIIC and PPN experts)

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