EMSC Pulse

A digest of EMSC Program News and Activities

Issue #78 | Dec. 30, 2022

EMT and boy
Looking back at 2022

Resources Round-Up:

Pediatric surge:


Additional resources:

Grantee resources:

Events & conferences:

Funding, research & development opportunities:

Career opportunity:

Six stories worth reading this month:

  1. Pediatricians and parents on the brink: This is their March 2020 - STAT news, Dec. 6
  2. COVID-19 hospital admissions rising among children, especially those under 5  - AAP News, Dec. 8
  3. A Rural Hospital’s Excruciating Choice: $3.2 Million a Year or Inpatient Care? - New York Times, Dec. 9
  4. Hospital Financial Decisions Play a Role in the Critical Shortage of Pediatric Beds for RSV Patients - Kaiser Health News, Dec. 9
  5. EMS Systems of Care - JEMS commentary, Dec. 13
  6. Children's hospitals are struggling to cope with a surge of respiratory illness, NPR, Dec. 15

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