Dr. Brooke Lerner Recognized

The University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education published an article titled “UB Professor Leads Team Working to Improve Emergency Care for Children” highlighting her work as steering committee chair of the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN).
The article begins by stating, “ Unfortunately, there is a large gap in knowledge about pediatric emergency medical services (EMS), which makes research into significantly improving emergency care in young patients especially crucial. That’s where the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) comes in.”
Dr. Lerner is quoted ” “It is really hard to do research on what is the best care to provide to children, so we frequently rely on studies from adult populations or from the hospital, both of which may not accurately reflect what the pediatric population in the out-of-hospital setting needs. That’s why PECARN has instituted a strong effort to build an infrastructure that can conduct pediatric EMS research at multiple sites.” The full article can be found by clicking here.
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