EMSC Dissemination Activities to Accelerate Best Practice Uptake
In an effort to align the messaging and communication of activities in the EMS for Children space and to promote knowledge translation uptake by EMSC providers including prehospital personnel, nurses, doctors, and others, a dissemination committee was launched about 18 months ago. A strategic plan was developed to help accelerate the knowledge and science relevant to success in EMSC for the public, patients/families, EMSC grantees, advocates, family advisory networks, researchers and front line clinical care providers.
In early October, the Dissemination Committee gathered in Cleveland, Ohio for a two-day workshop to collaborate on next steps and goals over identified priority conditions. Notably represented organizations included AAP, ACEP, PECARN, NASEMSO, and more. During the workshop the workgroups were identified for successful implementation moving forward to develop disease specific pediatric toolkits: protocols/infographics, social media, branding, clinical decision support/mobile application, website, prehospital, measurement, and continuing education/quality improvement collaboratives. The committee has a timeline of completion of the first priority conditions (the febrile infant/sepsis) for toolkit resources to be available on the EIIC website by February 2020.
Stay tuned for more updates as an infrastructure is built to rapidly accelerate ways to push innovation and noteworthy information across the nation’s EMSC stakeholders.
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