EMS Week and EMS for Children Day Celebrations, 2019
If your state/territory had a special celebration or acknowledgement of EMS Week and EMSC Day, please forward information to the EIIC.
Several State Partnerships provided fun documentation of the celebrations and public awareness used during National EMS Week and EMSC Day. The image above is from New Hampshire. See pages 1, 7 and 8 for more.
If you have not done so and have details to share, please forward them to Rachael Alter or to the EIIC mailbox.
The Kentucky EMS for Children (KYEMSC) Voluntary EMS Pediatric Recognition Program honors EMS Agencies who meet established criteria - beyond regulatory requirements - which are designed to improve the agency's capabilities to deliver care to pediatric patients. The program ensures agencies that demonstrate a commitment to caring for this vulnerable population receive the recognition they deserve from both the public and their peers.
To be recognized, an agency must designate a pediatric emergency care coordinator (PECC) to ensure integration of the unique needs of pediatric patients in all aspects of emergency care, comply with national recommendations for pediatric ambulance equipment and engage in pediatric-focused community outreach activities. There are requirements for additional pediatric-related continuing education and annual demonstration of pediatric skill competency for all EMTs and paramedics.
In its second year, the program has recognized eight agencies thus far with additional applications pending. Framed certificates and vehicle decals are provided to each recognized agency. The KYEMSC Program attends press conferences, county council meetings, or other organized events to present the recognition upon agency request. News outlets covered at least three of the presentations which increases public knowledge about the EMSC program. Examples include coverage for Buechel Fire & EMS, Somerset-Pulaski County EMS and Whitley County EMS during National EMS Week.
Washington, D. C
This territory made a week of it!
May 20
Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH, FAAP, Medical Director for Emergency Preparedness, accepted a proclamation acknowledging the good work of the EMSC program and declaring May 22 as EMSC Day from Muriel Bowser, Mayor of Washington, D.C. It was delivered by Dr. LaQuandra Nesbitt, Director of the DC Department of Health, on behalf of the Mayor.
May 22
The EMSC Team visited DC firehouses to provide pediatric disaster education on EMS for Children Day 2019.
May 23
DC Fire and EMS stopped by Children’s National and Ryan Seacrest Studios to answer questions from children about Emergency Medical Services.
Alaska promoted the week through Alaska Department of Health and Social Services social media newsletters including the Governor’s Proclamation and several Facebook posts celebrating the week and the day.
The State Partnership arranged for all transport services in the state to receive thank you cards from children and hosted an educational day in conjunction with Children’s of Alabama and the UAB Department of Peds Emergency Medicine.
New Hampshire

The New Hampshire EMS for Children Program collaborated with Elliot Hospital, Manchester Fire Department, AMR and the Beecher Street Elementary school to conduct a morning of fire and injury prevention on EMSC Day. With a truck to touch and a fireman dress display, school kids became a little more familiar with first responders, what they might look like and the tools they use. It was clear that although NH EMSC and Manchester FD brought hundreds of pencils, stickers and coloring sheets we had severely underestimated the number of students we would see that day.

The day was highlighted by a rookie firefighter in full turnout gear playing in the playground where he repeatedly took the slide exit and a 1978 Cadillac ambulance with only 55,000 miles on it. Fun was had by all and we hope that our first responders and the children they serve had a great day at the event.


Teams held picnics with each location they work with throughout the week. At the picnics they gave away promotional items supporting the agencies as well. Pictures to the right are from Methodist South.
We also had breakfast for local EMS and brought out Farley, our East Tennessee Childrens Hospital (ETCH) facility dog for some TLC.


Louisiana celebrated National EMSC Day at the State Capitol Rotunda! Jobi, EMSC’s personal magician, attracted crowds of legislators, tourists, security, and school field trips; then, he shuffled them over to the EMSC table where people of all ages practiced infant, child, and adolescent CPR! Julie, Louisiana’s EMSC FAN Rep, and Heiki demonstrated how to perform bystander CPR to the beat of “Baby Shark” & “Stayin’ Alive!” Visitors to Louisiana’s EMSC table enjoyed the opportunity to get hands-on experience with pediatric CPR! The simulation baby was used to demonstrate heart rhythms that occur while effective CPR is in progress compared to what happens when CPR is interrupted/stopped.
Program Manager Amanda Perry with Baton Rouge EMS’s, Brad Harris were featured in two news reports that week.

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