Family Advisory Network

Advocacy Patients & Families

In 1999, the EMSC Program created the Family Advisory Network (FAN) to facilitate the inclusion of family representatives in state EMSC programs. Today, the FAN membership includes family representatives from most states and U.S. territories.

FAN representatives contribute to their state program activities in numerous ways, including, but not limited to: serving as members, chairs, and co-chairs of their state EMSC advisory committee; coordinating special community outreach projects; assisting with the development and implementation of EMSC policy objectives; and helping to plan, present, and promote educational offerings within their state.

Family representatives are also involved at the national level. Several FAN representatives sit on the federal EMSC Strategic Planning Committee and are involved on the EMSC Program Meeting Planning Committee.

Helping to Improve Pediatric Emergency Care

This 14-minute video captures the compelling stories of nine Family Advisory Network (FAN) representatives and highlights the work they are doing to improve pediatric emergency care at the local and state levels.

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