North Carolina — Targeted Issue

Evaluation of a Pediatric Emergency Care Facility Recognition Program (PECFR) on Care of Injured Children

Sept. 1, 2010 - Aug. 31, 2013

Grant Number
Project Overview
Injuries are the leading cause of death and disability for children beyond the age of one. The majority of the care of injured children occurs outside of pediatric trauma centers or pediatric hospital emergency departments. The EMSC Program advocates the categorization of emergency departments according to their capabilities to care for ill or injured children. States have been slow to adopt that recommendation for fiscal and political reasons. The goal of this project is to analyze and report on the recognition and care of injured children in states with/without a Pediatric Emergency Care Facility Recognition Program (PECFR).
Wake Forest University
Main Contact
Award Amount


Name Role(s) Phone Email
J. Wayne Meredith, MD
  • Principal Investigator


Title Type Publication/Event Published/Presented Identifier Details
Emergency Department Recognition Program for Pediatric Services: Does It Make a Difference? Research Paper/Publication Pediatric Emergency Care 2014
Evaluating an Emergency Department Recognition Program for Pediatric Services Presentation Emergency Nurses Association; Triad Trauma Regional Advisory Committee; Delaware EMSC Quality Improvement Committee 2014
Pain Assessment and Management During Emergency CareHow are We Doing? Presentation Delaware EMSC Quality Improvement Committee; Children's National Medical Center for the Pediatric Nursing Research Council; Society of Pediatric Nurses Annual Meeting 2014
Variation in Pediatric Trauma Assessment and Treatment Among Hospital Settings Presentation Western Pediatric Trauma Conference 2013
Evaluation of Pediatric Emergency Care ED Recognition on Care of Injured Children Presentation National Association of State EMS Officials Annual Meeting (2011); EMSC Annual Meeting (2012);. Western States Trauma Managers (2015) 2011 & 2012