Montana — State Partnership

Montana EMSC State Partnership Program

Jan. 1, 1995 - Present

Grant Number
Project Overview
The mission of the EMSC Program is to reduce child and youth mortality and morbidity caused by severe illness or trauma. EMS for Children aims to ensure that:
- state of the art emergency medical care is available for the ill and injured child or adolescent;
- pediatric service is well integrated into an emergency medical service system backed by optimal resources; and
- the entire spectrum of emergency services, including primary prevention of illness and injury, acute care, and rehabilitation, is provided to children and adolescents as well as adults, no matter where they live, attend school or travel.
Montana EMSC’s Program focuses on:
- Strengthening Montana’s pediatric readiness
- Increasing the number of Montana hospitals that are formally recognized as a Pediatric Prepared or a Pediatric Capable Facility.
- Increasing Montana’s emergency medical services prehospital pediatric capabilities.
Department of Public Health and Human Services, Public Health & Safety Division, EMS & Trauma Systems Program
Main Contact









Western Plains


Name Role(s) Phone Email
Kelly Little, MHA
  • Program Manager
(406) 444-0901
Terry Mullins
  • Project Director
Peter Wisniewski
  • FAN


Title Format Description Published/Revised Availability
Montana PECCs Social Media Site The Montana PECC's Group is a forum where Montana's Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators can share ideas, questions, events, challenges, etc. Ongoing Available Online
Pediatric Facility Recognition Recognition Program Montana’s voluntary certification program recognizes hospitals that meet specific criteria for personnel training, equipment, and facilities that support optimal care … October 2019 Available Online
Pediatric Scenario Guidebook Protocol/Guidelines This resource will walk providers through a scenario containing vital signs, pertinent patient and call information, graphics, considerations and links … August 2018 Available Online
Culture of Care Toolkit Toolkit This Toolkit provides resources and training to facilitate the development of cultural competence and humility in one’s self, colleagues, the … 2020 Available Online
EMSC Connection Newsletter Newsletter 2019-2021 Available Online
MT EMSC Pediatric Prehospital EMS Voluntary Recognition Program Handbook/Manual This overview manual describes the levels, the steps necessary to apply for and maintain recognition status, and appendixes with the … 2017 Available Online
Montana Pediatric Interfacility Consultation/Transfer Guidelines Protocol/Guidelines These guidelines can be used by medical providers and hospitals to identify the types of critically ill or injured children … 2017 Available Online


Title Type Publication/Event Published/Presented Identifier Details
Leading an Educational Conference for PECCs Presentation PWDC Breakout Session December 2021
Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators in Montana's EMS Agencies Poster 2019 EMSC All Grantee Meeting 2019
EMS PECCs: Tempt, Train, or Shame Your Way to Success Presentation 2019 National Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Conference & NACCHO 2020 Preparedness Summit 2019