Three Ways to Improve your EMS Agency’s Pediatric Readiness
- Published May 31, 2023

“Because prehospital emergency care of children plays a critical role in the continuum of health care ... the unique needs of children must be addressed by EMS systems.”
— “Pediatric Readiness in Emergency Medical Services Systems,” a January 2020 joint policy statement of the American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Emergency Physicians, Emergency Nurses Association, National Association of Emergency Medical Services Physicians, and National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
In honor of EMS Week, the National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project (PPRP) is reminding EMS agencies – including fire departments that respond to medical 911 calls – of three key ways to improve pediatric emergency care.
The PPRP is the leading initiative to improve prehospital care for acutely ill and injured children across the United States. The PPRP is funded and led by the federal Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Program with support from more than 30 national organizations and subject matter experts.
The PPRP offers EMS agencies support and resources through the EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center and is set to launch a national assessment tool through the EMSC Data Center in 2024.
PPRP tools and resources span seven categories of pediatric readiness:
- Education and competencies for providers
- Equipment and supplies
- Patient and medication safety
- Patient- and family-centered care
- Policies, procedures, and protocols (to include medical oversight)
- Quality improvement/performance improvement
- Interactions with systems of care
Start improving your EMS agency or fire department’s pediatric readiness today!
- Use the checklist The checklist is a two-page list of items to have, do, or create in order to provide high-quality prehospital care for children. The checklist has “domains” or categories that align with the latest joint policy statement.
- Explore the toolkit A collection of over 150 online resources – organized by “domain’ or categories that align with the latest joint policy statement – to help EMS agencies address gaps identified by the checklist. Resources include educational and clinical guidelines.
- Designate a PECC While there are many components to prehospital pediatric readiness, the presence of a pediatric champion who coordinates pediatric readiness in EMS agencies or fire departments – also known as a pediatric emergency care coordinator or PECC – is considered one of the strongest drivers of improvement. Watch our EMS for Children Day webinar to learn more!
To learn more about the PPRP, view promotional material or visit its website.