Preparing for the prehospital pediatric assessment: A Q&A with Manish Shah, MD

  • Published November 30, 2023
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The Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project (PPRP) Assessment will launch in spring 2024. Below, EMS physician Manish I. Shah, MD, MS, co-lead for the PPRP Assessment Workgroup, shares some details about the inaugural assessment.

What is the PPRP Assessment?

The PPRP Assessment is a series of questions that will help EMS and fire-rescue agencies better understand their pediatric capabilities–and work to improve any gaps identified. The voluntary, online assessment is slated to launch in May 2024 and is anticipated to take place every five years.

Who should participate?

Prehospital organizations staffed with personnel who render medical care in response to a 911 or similar emergency call. EMS and fire-rescue agencies will receive an invitation by email in May 2024. One person per agency will be asked to complete the assessment.

How long does it take?

The estimated average time to complete the assessment is 30-45 minutes. That estimate includes respondents reading, interpreting, retrieving information, and answering the questions.

What are the benefits?

At an organization level, the information you learn can help your EMS or fire-rescue agency become more competent, comfortable, and confident in taking care of children. Research suggests it may also improve outcomes. At the national level, your participation helps us better understand and address challenges in prehospital pediatric care and makes the nation’s EMS system more prepared for children.

What does the assessment cover?

The assessment covers eight categories:

  • Education and Competencies for Providers
  • Equipment and Supplies
  • Patient and Medication Safety
  • Patient- and Family-Centered Care in EMS
  • Policies, Procedures, and Protocols
  • Quality Improvement and Performance Improvement
  • Interaction with Systems of Care
  • Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators

There are three pieces of data you may need to collect before the assessment: annual call volume, annual pediatric call volume, and the number of personnel in your agency at each level of certification.

Will my responses be shared?

Your answers are confidential. Your data may be combined with data from other agencies to help researchers better understand prehospital pediatric readiness.

How was it developed?

The PPRP Assessment was developed by the PPRP Steering Committee, which includes representatives from more than 25 national EMS- and pediatric-focused organizations and subject matter experts, and is based on a joint policy statement and technical report on pediatric EMS systems.

How can I prepare for it?

Download the PPRP Checklist to start understanding the kinds of questions you will see on the assessment as well as your agency’s potential gaps. Then, access the PPRP Toolkit with resources to help you address the gaps. You can also reach out to your state’s EMSC Program Manager with any questions or reach out to with any questions about your agency’s designated responder to the assessment.

Most importantly, keep an eye out for the assessment invitation in May 2024!

Learn more about the overall project or view the assessment webpage.