Patient and Family Perspectives

  • Published April 4, 2023
Zina Sutton

Featuring members of EMSC’s Family Advisory Network (FAN). Learn more about the FAN.

Name: Zina Sutton

State: North Carolina

Why did you become a FAN? “I became a FAN because of my experience caring for my own 2 children. My first child who was born with Trisomy 10q and medically fragile; he died when he was 8 years old. My second child has autism and homozygous 3p. Because of my experiences, I hope to provide input and assist where I can to have a positive influence through my service with EMSC.”

What is the most important thing for emergency practitioners to know about caring for children in emergencies? “Wherever you practice, do whatever it takes to have the correct equipment and quality training to care for children. If the caregivers would like and it is possible, allow them to be present during transport and care. Understand that caregivers have questions, especially when their child is not a typical child. I have been told many times by providers that ‘when one hears hoof sounds; to think of horses, not zebras’. I would have preferred the provider to address my concern and explain to me why I should not be concerned. Appropriate, skilled care delivered with kindness is never forgotten.”
