Community-based Clinics: Join a Disaster Preparedness QI Initiative
- Published November 30, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic and the pediatric surge have provided clinics with real-life experience in implementing disaster preparedness plans. To help improve those plans, the EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center (EIIC) is recruiting clinic-based teams by Dec. 31 for a six-month quality improvement (QI) initiative launching in January.
This project offers physician participants up to 25 points toward the American Board of Pediatrics Maintenance of Certification Part 4 requirements. Through this project, participants will:
- Submit monthly environmental scans
- Receive monthly progress reports for your team
- Receive quarterly reports to compare your progress with the entire cohort
The initiative is led by the EIIC in partnership with the Pediatric Pandemic Network and the new Gulf 7 - Pediatric Disaster Network. A parallel initiative for hospital-based teams, which launched in October, is currently in progress. This is the second cohort of both hospital and clinic teams (the first iteration of the initiative launched in 2019).
Register here by Dec. 31. For questions, contact