Webinars, Listservs, Collaboratives, and Coalitions
Disaster- COVID-19 pandemic
- Multi-Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)
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- Webinars, Listservs, Collaboratives, and Coalitions
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COVID-19 and Pediatrics Webinar

June 1, 2020
Our partners at the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) have shared the following webinar on COVID-19 and Pediatrics.
Please find the link to the recording of the COVID-19 and Pediatrics webinar here: http://ecme.acep.org/diweb/catalog/launch/package/4/did/431477/iid/431477. The full pdf slide deck is also available on the link under the resource tab.
Due to the content of the discussion of the webinar and sharing of information that is rapidly evolving, ACEP has placed the webinar behind a login. They apologize from the inconvenience but during these extraordinary circumstances, ACEP is trying to make sure they share information responsibly. Anyone is able to make a login (this include non-members) and will receive access to additional previously recorded and future webinars, and all of our COVID education.
Multi-Inflammatory Syndrome in Children and COVID-19
May 19, 2020
Pediatric Infectious Disease Society Virtual Town Hall
Webinar Series

Project ECHO COVID-19 Response
During this time of global crisis, ECHO model has a special role to play in quickly helping to connect experts and frontline healthcare professionals. To help our partners’ navigate the various ways the ECHO Institute is helping, we have created numerous resource lists of our COVID-19 activity around the world. This Peer to Peer Virtual Community of Practice includes presentations from experts in the field who are treating COVID patients.
To Learn More please visit: https://echo.unm.edu/covid-19
For Registration and Connection Information, please click here
International PICU-COVID 19 Collaboration
Calls occur every Saturday & Wednesday 17:30—18:30 EDT
Recordings and all content shared the calls can be found within the ‘Resources’ Tab in the OPENPediatrics.org group here. Please note you must have an OPENPediatrics.org account in order to access. If you have any trouble logging in, please email openpediatrics@childrens.harvard.edu for assistance.
Contact Susan Kourtis: susan.kourtis@childrens.harvard.edu for further information

National Pediatric Diaster Coalition (NPDC)
The NPDC serves as a clearinghouse for information on pediatric research, resource linkages, and ListServs.To join the National Pediatric Disaster Coalition Listserv connecting novice to expert email nationalpedicoalition@gmail.com

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) National Emergency Airway Registry for Children (Near4Kids) has developed an Adaptive International Survey his with the intent of sharing current practices surrounding care of pediatric COVID-19 patients who are critically ill. The survey is launched each Wednesday and each Friday results are sent out to participants. You can also review the weekly updated data every Friday at https://near4kids.research.chop.edu/ (no password is needed). If your site would like to participate, please use this link to enter the contact information for your site representative: https://redcap.link/picu-cov
Virtual Pediatric Systems (VPS)
VPS is hosting both an e-mail discussion group and a daily survey with a frequently updated dashboard of results tracking North American PICU’s Covid19 experience. The email discussion is open to all PICUs. The survey is for North American PICUs. Join by e-mailing covid@myvps.org.
Coalitions and Collaboratives

The Pediatric Resuscitation Quality Collaborative has put together a collection of COVID-19 Guidance for Resuscitation documents from various sources and sites across their collaborative.
PALISI Pediatric Intensive Care Influenza and Emerging Pathogens (PICFLU-EP) Network
The PALISI Pediatric Intensive Care Influenza and Emerging Pathogens (PICFLU-EP) Network will be initiating multicenter data collection to better understand the clinical care and outcomes of COVID-19 patients admitted to the PICU. To learn more about this important study, including how you could potentially join the PICFLU-EP Network and this initiative, please contact Dr. Adrienne Randolph at adrienne.randolph@childrens.harvard.edu.