Interfacility Transfer Guide

The Pediatric Interfacility Transfer Guide

Approximately 85% of neonatal and pediatric patients present to general emergency departments (EDs) rather than specialized pediatric EDs. When necessary, it’s essential to ensure your ED is able to quickly and safely transfer pediatric patients between facilities. The Emergency Medical Services for Children Program, alongside the Emergency Nurses Association and Society of Trauma Nurses, has released an updated Pediatric Interfacility Transfer Guide to help ED clinicians plan, prepare, and execute transfers for young patients. The guide includes steps for drafting agreements, agreement examples, regulatory resources, case studies and more. This guidebook, and its companion toolkit, are free and open access.

Download the guide


Companion Toolkit

Section 2- Types and Examples of IFT Agreements

Section 3- Drafting and Implementing IFT agreements

Section 4 - Regulations and Standards

Section 5- Talking points

Section 6- Establishing Clinical Processes To Facilitate Transfers

Sample transfer checklists

Burn patient referral

Section 7 - Transportation considerations

Section 8 - Patient and Family Considerations

Section 9 - Special populations

Children and youth with special health care needs

Infection control

Section 10 - The importance of monitoring quality

Form examples

Quality improvement resources

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