2013-2014 Assessment
A total of 4,149 EDs participated in the 2013-2014 NPRP assessment. The assessment was based on a 2009 joint policy statement. The results of the 2013-2014 assessment were published in a paper in 2015. The median weighted pediatric readiness score was 68.9 out of 100.
A few key findings:
- Only 47% of responding facilities had included pediatric specific considerations into their hospital disaster plans. Even those facilities where children are frequently cared for had opportunities to improve their disaster preparedness.
- Only 45% of hospital EDs reported having a pediatric care quality improvement plan and only 58% of respondents had defined pediatric quality indicators.
- The presence of a physician and nurse pediatric emergency care coordinator (PECC) was associated with a higher adjusted median pediatric readiness score compare with no PECC.
If you would like information about the 2013 assessment, research opportunities, or national, state, or individual results, please reach out to the PedsReady Support Team at PedsReady@hsc.utah.edu.