Recognizing the gaps in pediatric quality improvement in many hospitals, AAP will focus its efforts on developing a Pediatric Quality Improvement Collaborative for sharing lessons, translating research into practice, discovering new knowledge, and facilitating rapid quality gap closure. Participants will include hospital clinicians, family advocates, and professional stakeholder representatives. It is anticipated that quality improvement interventions will lead to identification of best practices to improve the care of children, payment reform models, and additional conversations with The Joint Commission.
This initiative will be rolled out to AAP’s Section on Emergency Medicine (SOEM) in October 2015 and during a national quality improvement conference tentatively scheduled for Fall 2016. The conference will be recorded so it can be accessed at later dates.
In addition, AAP will continue to hold education sessions with numerous stakeholders, including The Joint Commission. The Academy also added a new SOEM Special Interest Group (SIG) for the National Pediatric Readiness Project. This SIG will take the lead in all Peds Ready activities. Furthermore, AAP’s Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine is developing pediatric “prehospital” readiness guidelines and revising the 2009 Guidelines for Care of Children in the Emergency Department.
ACEP is engaged in assuring a system of pediatric emergency care exists in every community that reflects pediatric readiness and the ability to initially treat and stabilize all pediatric emergencies. The national organization will work with state ACEP chapters who will serve as conduits to encourage every ED to be pediatric ready.
State chapters will work with organizational partners, such as state representatives from AAP, ENA, and EMSC, and many other state and local partners, to establish Pediatric Emergency Care Networks in each state. These networks will be modeled after successful programs already established in other states, such as New Jersey, Arizona, California, Illinois, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania.
The goals of each network are to (1) increase EDs awareness of the current Guidelines for the Care of Children in the Emergency Department and other resources available through the EMSC and Pediatric Readiness websites; (2) improve access to optimal emergency care for all children; (3) improve the quality of pediatric emergency care and outcomes across the pediatric populations; (4) establish a quality improvement process and outcome measures; and (5) establish a central repository and support network for distribution of evidence-based resources.
ENA’s Pediatric Readiness (Peds Ready) State Champion Team project has kicked off in five pilot states: Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, and Pennsylvania.
The state champion team concept was first utilized in 2013 during the assessment phase of the National Pediatric Readiness Project, after learning that several EMSC State Partnership managers had difficulty communicating with hospitals about the importance of participating in the Peds Ready national assessment. Through its national Pediatric Committee, ENA mobilized its state chapter members to help open doors and facilitate dialogue between the state managers and hospital leadership. With the pilot project, ENA is taking this collaboration a step further, with the goal to broaden the state champion team concept to other states during Peds Ready phase two activities.
In November, 2015, Peds Ready stakeholders, as well as ENA state chapter representatives and EMSC State Partnership managers, convened in Chicago to review the pilot project objectives and goals, and determined next steps to operationalize it.
Each state champion team in the pilot will be collaboratively led by an ENA state chapter representative and the EMSC state partnership manager. Representatives from each state’s AAP and ACEP chapters will round out the core team. Additional team members will vary by state, and may include representatives from rural health, trauma, the state hospital association, and the EMS community, as well as a family representative.
The state pilot teams have three goals to achieve within the next year: (1) identify the roles and responsibilities of the team, including job descriptions for each team member; (2) assemble resources promoting the state champion team concept to share with hospitals, including a letter of support from ENA, AAP and ACEP; and (3) identify and track metrics for improvement based on the 2013 Peds Ready assessment to report measures of success.
A steering committee consisting of organization representatives from ENA, AAP, ACEP, HRSA-EMSC, and the EMSC NRC will oversee the project. Lessons learned from the Peds Ready state champion teams pilot will be used to expand the team concept nationwide.