This collaborative developed individuals interested in improving the quality of pediatric care at EMS agencies, EDs/hospitals, or within their regions. These resources, example practices, and networking opportunities are provided at no cost to help facilitate efforts for pediatric improvement.
What is a PECC?
A pediatric emergency care coordinator (PECC), sometimes referred to as a pediatric champion or pediatric liaison, is any individual who has a particular interest in or responsibilities related to pediatric emergency care. Sometimes this individual is dedicated solely to this role. However, depending on the pediatric volume of the EMS agency or hospital, this person may take on the PECC duties in addition to other responsibilities (e.g., educator, trauma coordinator, etc.). Various roles and responsibilities are often given to a PECC, responsibilities may include ensuring the availability of pediatric equipment, supplies, and medications; pediatric education/training; and advocating for pediatric considerations to be included in protocol/policy development.
The PECC role can differ based on your role within your agency or ED/hospital. For this reason, we have developed four different tracks to enable customization of the content and foster relationships among your colleagues. We encourage multidisciplinary teams from each EMS agency or ED/hospital to join the collaborative to accelerate improvement in pediatric readiness.
- EMS Practitioners
- ED / Hospital-based Nurses or Healthcare Professionals
- ED / Hospital-based Physicians or Advanced Practice Providers
- EMSC State Partnership Program Managers