April 2024 Newsletter
NPRQI Assisting PRQC Sites with Quality Improvement Projects

The Pediatric Readiness Quality Improvement Collaborative (PRQC) supports emergency department (ED) based teams to accelerate pediatric readiness. Participants are utilizing the National Pediatric Readiness Quality Initiative (NPRQI) data portal, which provides meaningful pediatric quality metrics and a free web-based platform to guide improvements in the delivery of pediatric emergency care—providing all EDs with a national platform to measure, reflect, and improve pediatric emergency care delivery. NPRQI was developed to establish standardized quality measures with benchmarking capabilities.
Due to the efforts of the participating sites, NPRQI's data portal has expanded, logging 6,000+ ED visits, and contributing to our ability to assess nationwide pediatric emergency care. As no current national standards exist, sites contribute to establishing these standards with each data entry. This will provide real-time feedback on pediatric emergency care delivery in the U.S.
Participating sites are completing plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycles to implement incremental change that results in system transformation. PRQC Quality Improvement (QI) specialists are also supporting them in improving QI knowledge and have provided resources. NPRQI builds on the foundation of the National Pediatric Readiness Project by providing the "how." NPRQI is an essential step in supporting emergency departments by becoming pediatric-ready.
Select your state and see how many sites have been entering data into NPRQI. Map current as of 4/1
- Ability to identify system deficiencies because this is the first time they could measure their pediatric performance and now know where to implement changes
- Annual reports to share with hospital/ED leadership regarding quality, patient safety, and risk mitigation
- Share with us your site's successes by emailing collaboratives@emscimprovement.center
Data Portal Login
All NPRQI participating sites will receive a link from Clario (tap.support@clario.com) to set up initial login credentials. Once credentials have been established, EDs can access the data portal and the performance dashboard.
Data Entry
- Get a list of all patients under 18 yrs. (organize by date and time)
- Decide on sampling strategy (recommend using every “nth” patient) (learn more about data sampling here)
- Identify charts to be used for data entry
- For 2024 data entry, chart selection can go as far back as January 1, 2024, but not earlier than this date
- Plan to enter 25-30 charts for baseline data
- Develop Subject IDs and ID log for each user/chart (View an example here)
- Begin baseline data entry
Helpful Links
- Entering baseline data
- Ongoing data entry
- We recommend EDs continue entering a minimum of 10 charts per month. Depending on ED pediatric volume, some EDs may need to enter more than 10 charts a month. The more charts entered, the better an ED can view its performance over time (graph view) on the performance dashboard.
- Viewing performance dashboard to assess area of focus
- NPRQI Office Hours are a great way to get one-on-one support with interpreting your EDs data. The next office hours session is scheduled for April 2, 2024.