PECC-Focused TI Grants
Researchers ResearchersConnecticut
Pediatric Emergency Care Coordination in EMS Agencies: Measuring the Influence, Magnifying the Improvement
PECCs are believed to have a positive effect on pediatric prehospital care by ensuring training, education, and resources that establish standards and encourage guideline adherence in EMS agencies. However, many aspects of PECC training and evaluation, as well as the effects of PECCs on health outcomes and EMS agencies, remain unstudied. This project’s goal is to assess the impact of PECC designation on the quality of clinical care, on patient and family-centered outcomes, and to determine the best methods for establishing PECCs among EMS agencies.
Pediatric Care Coordination in EMS Agencies – Improving Child Health Outcomes in Louisiana
This project will improve system readiness in Louisiana’s emergency healthcare system by creating a statewide consortium of PECCs in EMS agencies. Establishing this statewide system of collaboration will provide resources, support networks, education, training, and personnel development that will ultimately improve pediatric emergency care across Louisiana. Data from multiple EMS agencies collectively serving over 35,000 pediatric patients annually will be linked to hospital ED data to determine how the presence of PECCs in the pre-hospital setting affects pediatric patient health outcomes.
North Carolina
System Readiness Improvements through the EMS Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators Program
Due to high personnel turnover and inexperience in pediatric emergency care among EMS workers, it can be difficult to ensure that new medical guidelines are fully implemented in a timely manner. The goal of this project is to expand upon and improve an existing program and establish a sustainable, affordable, and replicable program comprised of prehospital PECCs supported by a rich system of resources and accountability tools.