Family Advisory Network (FAN) Mail!

Tell us what you think about FANMail!

This section was meant to provide helpful tips and discussion about topics important to families and their advocates – and hopefully some fun stuff along the way too! To continue to provide the best content and information for our FANs we would like to get YOUR feedback. Take a few minutes to complete this, quick survey and let us know what you think!

Let us see you in Action!


If you have pictures or content you wish to share on the EIIC Facebook page and Twitter, please email Cassidy Penn at the EIIC.

Be sure to check out the new and improved, designated Family Advisory Network page on the website!

On our Family Advisory Network, you will find a brief overview of FAN along with a video capturing the compelling stories of the FAN representatives. There is also an addition of a resource page highlighting resources that could be of benefit for FAN representatives, including topics like policy, forms, social media assistance, and more. The site also includes a members list with emails for contacting other FAN representatives.

If you are a FAN member and have not filled out the questionnaire for the members only page, please fill it out here. If you have any suggestions or feedback for the FAN page, please contact Margaret Codispoti at

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): What is it and how can I protect my family? – by H. Cody Meissner MD, FAAP for AAP


Human Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that commonly cause mild to moderate illness like the common cold. Almost everyone gets infected with one of these viruses at some point in their lives, and most of the time the illness lasts for a short amount of time.

A new coronavirus​​

A new human coronavirus, called the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), was discovered in Wuhan City, China, in December 2019. While we know it's contagious, it is still not known how easily it spreads from person to person. Public health officials are actively investigating this virus to learn more about its impact.

People with confirmed cases of the Novel Coronavirus reported illnesses ranging from mild to severe. Symptoms are similar to the flu and can include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • ​Shortness of breath
  • Body aches
  • Tiredness
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Pneumonia

How to protect your fa​mily

Currently, there is currently no vaccine to prevent 2019-nCoV infection. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, here are a few other ways you can keep your family healthy and help prevent the spread of viruses, including:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Keep your kids away from others who are sick or keep them home if they are ill.
  • Teach kids to cough and sneeze into their arm or elbow, not their hands.
  • Clean and disinfect household objects and surfaces in your home.
  • Avoid travel to restricted areas​​ until this outbreak has passed.

If you have recently traveled to any of the Level 3 countries outline by the CDC here, and have any of the symptoms above, talk to your doctor. You may need to be tested and may be told to stay home for up to 14 days to prevent the spread of the virus, even though you may not have symptoms.

Families are also encouraged to stay up to date about this situation as we learn more about how to prevent this virus from spreading in homes and in communities. See the resources below for the latest developments from the CDC, including travel warnings, new cases and prevention advice. ​

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