Family Advisory Network (FAN) Mail!
What is FAN Mail?
In each issue of the EMSC Pulse, you will find a "FAN Mail" section with information specific to our Family Advisory Network (FAN) members. Each issue will contain announcements, links to resources and highlights of the work being accomplished by FAN members across the country.
We'd like to see you!

If you have pictures or content you wish to share on EIIC social media, email Cassidy Penn ( the EIIC.
Tell us what you think about FANMail!
This section was meant to provide helpful tips and discussion about topics important to families and their advocates – and hopefully some fun stuff along the way too! To continue to provide the best content and information for our FANs we would like to get YOUR feedback. Take a few minutes to complete this, quick survey and let us know what you think!
FAN Page
Be sure to check out the new and improved, designated Family Advisory Network page on the website! Here you will find a brief overview of FAN along with a video capturing the compelling stories of the FAN representatives. There is also an addition of a resource page highlighting resources that could be of benefit for FAN representatives, including topics like policy, forms, social media assistance, and more. The site also includes a members list with emails for contacting other FAN representatives. The biggest addition coming in fall 2019 will be the member’s only page. This password protected addition will help highlight each FAN representative with a profile that will include a picture, fun facts, why they are a FAN member, and more. This page will help introduce and provide opportunity to get to know FAN representatives from nearby states or across the country.
If you are a FAN member and have not filled out the questionnaire for the members only page, please fill it out here. If you have any suggestions or feedback for the FAN page, please contact Margaret Codispoti at
Fight Heart Disease with the World Heart Federation Superheart!

Contrary to common belief, children are vulnerable to cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the risk of CVD can begin early in life: it can start before birth during fetal development, and increase further during childhood with exposure to unhealthy diets, lack of exercise and smoking.
It is never too early to start looking after your heart and as a parent, you can start taking care of the hearts of your children now. Making even just a few changes can help to reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke: encourage healthy eating and physical activity, and ban tobacco use. Here are a few ideas to help you make a start:
- Teach your children how to recognize healthy food and make it exciting for them: choose colorful food, involve them in the cooking, make funny plates
- Be active with your kids: go swimming or play a sport with them, walk or cycle to school, ask them to help with the gardening
- Ban smoking from your home and educate your children about the danger of tobacco use
- Print our leaflet and encourage your children to learn more about their heart with the games of Superheart, the superhero protecting children’s hearts (designed for children 7-10 years old)
For more information about Superheart and his mission to fight heart disease, click here for videos and infographics that you can share!
Upcoming Webinar: Cultural Implications for Screening for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Please join us for an upcoming webinar on the Cultural Implications of Screening for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities webinar will be conducted on Wednesday, March 18th from 4:00-5:00 PM EST. (3:00-4:00 PM CST.; 2:00-3:00 PM MST.; 1:00-2:00 PM PST.; 10:00-11:00 AM HST.) Calendar invites will be sent to all FAN and State Partnership Managers. However, anyone can join via the link provided below!
The webinar will feature Ms. Nanfi Lubogo who serves as a Co-Executive Director for PATH Parent to Parent/ Family Voices of CT (PATH/FVCT), a statewide parent support network for families of children and youth with special health care needs. Ms. Lubogo will be presenting on the cultural implications of screening for families from diverse backgrounds, the barriers faced by families and the role of healthcare providers.
Nanfi N. Lubogo of Cromwell, CT serves as Co-Executive Director for PATH Parent to Parent/Family Voices of CT (PATH/FVCT), a statewide parent support network for families of children and youth with special health care needs/disabilities. She serves on various committees, councils and boards both in CT and nationally. Current appointments include; CT Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Advisory Committee & Family Advisory Network. Mrs. Lubogo represents Family Voices on the National EMS Advisory Council (NEMSAC) and as the SAO Representative to the Family Voices Board of Directors. Mrs. Lubogo is a Maternal and Child Health/Public Health Leadership Fellow (MCH PHLI) and Partners in Policy Making Graduate.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
Webinar Connection Instructions:
1.On the day of the webinar, please utilize the following Adobe connect link to join the webinar:
2.You will be connected to audio using your computer's microphone and speakers or you may join via phone utilizing the following Call-in number *Call-in number: (866) 876-6756 *Conference ID number: 4078368054
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