Share your story
- Engage with EMSC
- Pediatric Readiness QI Collaborative
- Pediatric Readiness Recognition Programs Collaborative
- Disaster Response Collaborative
- Data platform for EDs (NPRQI)
- Share your story
- Scholars and Fellows
Are you a member of the Family Advisory Network (FAN)?
If you are a FAN representative, you can share your story through the FAN-specific storybank.

We're looking for patient and provider stories about children's health care needs in everyday emergencies and disasters. Your story is vital to help us raise awareness about the need to improve outcomes for children.
- Do you have a story about an amazing pediatric "save" in a prehospital or ED setting?
- Do you know an ED or EMS agency that went above and beyond in caring for a sick or injured kid?
- Do you have an example of great pediatric-specific disaster preparedness and response?
- Did you experience a near-miss or a close call that can be a learning experience for others?