Jennifer Maguire, BSN-RN
Hospital-Based Care Domain Fellow

Jennifer Maguire, BSN-RN has been a nurse for 24 years. She has spent her entire career in the specialty of pediatric/neonatal care. Jennifer started at Denver Children's Hospital working in the ED as a new grad in a level one trauma center. She was lucky that she did not directly experience the old adage "nurses eat their young". Instead Jennifer grew in a supportive nurturing environment and is a better nurse for it. After 4 years in the ED she wanted to do a better job with managing the really sick kids and headed to the PICU/CVICU. She spent 2 years there and then moved to the East Coast to be with her husband. Jennifer worked in the PICU/CVICU at Children's National for a year before she joined the pediatric transport team. Her husband matched for residency in Seattle and she began working for Airlift Northwest (ALNW) as a pediatric/neonatal flight nurse. ALNW is a non-profit that is affiliated with Seattle Children's Hospital, the University of Washington and Harborview Hospital. The flight program served the region of Washington, Alaska, Montana and Idaho. After 8 years in the NW her husband needed more sunshine so they moved to California. Jennifer took a few years off from nursing to start a family and then came back to work in a level 3 NICU in Santa Cruz, California. Shortly after she started back she began to work as the hospital's Pediatric Liaison for EDAP (Emergency Departments Approved for Pediatrics). In this most recent role Jennifer has learned firsthand the importance of community hospital pediatric resuscitation practice and support. Jennifer has always been an advocate for her patients in the hospital and she hope to now be an advocate for all pediatric patients.
Area of Interest: Pediatric/neonatal resuscitation and transport