Angelica Cercone, MD
Prehospital-Based Care Domain Fellow

Angelica Cercone, MD is a third year Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellow at UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and she is currently completing a prehospital focused track as part of her fellowship. Her love of prehospital medicine started when she became an EMT in high school and volunteered with a local ambulance service while also working as an EMS communications specialist. She then went on to pursue medical school at Penn State College of Medicine and pediatric residency at Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital. Since becoming a fellow, she has been involved in prehospital education, clinical experiences, QI projects and research, as well as disaster preparedness. She is extremely excited to join a motivated and highly accomplished group as part of the Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Steering Committee who shares the same goal of enhancing pediatric care within the prehospital setting. After completing her current fellowship, she will become the first Pediatric trained fellow to complete an EMS fellowship through the University of Pittsburgh.
Area of Interest: Prehospital care