Pediatric Readiness Quality Collaborative
ED Clinicians EMS Clinicians Quality ImprovementThe readiness of emergency departments (EDs) to meet the needs of children is highly variable. Research shows that scoring 88 points and above on the National Pediatric Readiness Project (NPRP) assessment is tied to significantly improved outcomes. Integrating children into quality improvement (QI) efforts can improve Pediatric Readiness by 26 points, meaning QI has the potential to significantly reduce the risk of death for children presenting to your ED.
The Pediatric Readiness Quality Improvement Collaborative (PRQC) focuses on harnessing the work of the NPRP, helping participating teams take the next step in addressing gaps identified by NPRP assessment. The National Pediatric Readiness Quality Initiative (NPRQI) is the implementation arm of the NPRP and it allows for EDs to measure their performance and benchmark against national and cohort performance while implementing QI efforts. Participants in the PRQC are provided support while working to improve performance of one or more of the NPRQI’s 28 quality measures.
Watch past collaborative sessions and fireside chats.
2023 Cohort
Learn more about the most recent cohort's work to establish and implement QI plans related to one of the four areas of focus: pain assessment, abnormal vital sign reassessment, suicide assessment, and weighing and recording pediatric weights in kilograms only.
2018 Cohort
Learn more about the original cohort's work as teams raised their Pediatric Readiness score by 10 points. By addressing one of the four clinical areas of focus: weighing all children in kilograms only, recognition and triage of abnormal vital signs, interfacility transfer, and disaster preparedness.