Leadership Beyond: The Legacy of Dr. Cal Sia (Hawaii Pacific Health video)
The late Dr. Calvin C.J. Sia leaves behind a lasting legacy in pediatric medicine. This 5 minute video from Hawaii Pacific Health honors the legacy of Dr. Sia.

In 1972 Calvin Sia, MD, president of the Hawaii Medical Association, urged the American Academy of Pediatrics to develop EMS systems that would decrease disability and death among children. Dr. Sia worked with Senator Daniel Inouye who later was joined by Senators Orrin Hatch and Lowell Weicker in sponsoring the first EMS for Children (EMSC) legislation which passed in 1984. This landmark legislation provided federal grant funds starting in fiscal year 1985 to help states improve the emergency care given to children suffering from a life-threatening illness or injury. EMSC funding was and continues to be secured largely due to the work of the AAP and other national organizations that continue to advocate for EMSC.