PMHCA Resource Library

Suicide Prevention and Intervention

Ask Suicide-Screening Questions Brief Suicide Safety Assessment (ASQ BSSA) (PDF) - This toolkit provides a structured framework for healthcare providers to administer suicide risk screenings and offers clear guidelines on how to interpret patient responses and behaviors.

AAP Suicide: Blueprint for Youth Suicide Prevention - This Blueprint for Youth Suicide Prevention is designed to support pediatric health clinicians in advancing equitable youth suicide prevention strategies in all settings where youth live, learn, work, and spend time.

Ask Suicide-Screening Questions Brief Suicide Safety Assessment (ASQ BSSA) - The Suicide Risk Screening Pathway for Outpatient Youth is a tool that can assist healthcare professionals in assessing and responding to suicide risk among adolescent patients. This toolkit provides a structured framework for healthcare providers to administer suicide risk screenings and offers clear guidelines on how to interpret patient responses and behaviors.

Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T) (SAMHSA) (for Clinicians) - This evaluation helps with identifying risk factors and protective factors, conducting a suicide inquiry, determining risk level and interventions, and documenting a treatment plan.

Linehan Risk Assessment and Management Protocol (LRAMP) - The Linehan Risk Assessment and Management Protocol (LRAMP) is an empirically supported, comprehensive framework used to assess suicide risk and protective factors, and provide a guide for the therapist to consider reasonable options for intervening on suicidal behavior.

Zero Suicide - Zero Suicide is an organization with resources to improve suicide care within health and behavioral health systems.

Suicide Screening Tools

Screening Tools: Pediatric Mental Health Minute Series - Resource by the AAP that explains what a screen is and a pediatrician's scope in addressing a child's mental health with a standard screen.

Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) - This scale is intended to be used by individuals who have received training in its administration. The questions contained in the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale are suggested probes. Ultimately, the determination of the presence of suicidal ideation or behavior depends on the judgment of the individual administering the scale.

National Institute on Mental Health ASQ Toolkit - The Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ) tool is a brief validated tool that can be used with adults and children when screening for suicide risk.