Session Information and Details

EIIC’s PMCHA Quality Improvement Collaborative

EIIC is excited to announce it will continue a third year of the PMHCA Quality Improvement (QI) Collaborative. The focus will be to continue our large-group collaborative sessions and add one-on-one coaching to our work, creating more opportunities for you and your team to work more closely with a QI coach on your ED expansion efforts. A quality improvement, or QI collaborative, provides a framework and structure for teams and their project work. Collaboratives bring together stakeholders from various groups for a specified period to address a specific topic. The EIIC’s focus for this collaborative is to create access to mental and behavioral health resources and services in emergency departments.

The collaborative will consist of the following materials and activities:

  • one-on-one QI coaching - coaching for our participating teams. Each team will be assigned a QI coach who will work closely with PMHCAs on their specific ED expansion efforts, allowing for a more personalized approach to their QI efforts.
  • drop-in office hour (open to All PMHCAs) - a scheduled time with EIIC staff to address any questions or needs from PMHCA teams. PMHCA teams can drop in and ask their questions about ED expansion, quality improvement, etc.
  • large-group collaborative sessions - educational and collaborative sessions where PMHCA teams actively working on ED expansion efforts can come together to learn and work.

2025 PMHCA Calendar of Offerings

Date(s) Event Time (ET)/Zoom link

Jan. 2

Drop-in Office Hour

12-12:45pm ET/ Zoom link

Jan. 28

Drop-in Office Hour

12-12:45pm ET/ Zoom link

Feb. 4

Large-group collaborative session

2-3:30pm ET/ Zoom link

Feb. 6

Drop-in Office Hour

12-12:45pm ET/ Zoom link

EIIC’s PMHCA Technical Assistance Offerings

PMHCA teams, regardless of their participation in the QI collaborative or their ED expansion involvement, will have access to educational webinars, toolkit tutorials, and 1:1 office hours with QI coaches and data analysts. Collaborative participants will be encouraged to attend the EIIC’s Technical Assistance Offerings in between their collaborative sessions for additional education and networking.

  • educational webinars - to enhance PMHCA's understanding of emergency department workflow and telehealth opportunities.
  • toolkit overview tutorials- to promote implementation strategies and provide an overview of available resources.
  • office hours - our QI coach and data analyst will answer questions regarding QI methods and strategies. An on-demand QI coach is also available to PMHCA team members who are unable to attend these office hours.

2024 Technical Assistance Calendar

Event Time (ET) / Zoom link

Webinar: Introduction to the Emergency Department’s Pediatric Mental Health Workflow with Angela Nguyen

Watch video

Webinar: Introduction to the EMSC State Partner Program / Exemplar of Collaboration with Delaware PMHCA Team

Watch video

Webinar: Pediatric Needs During Times of Disaster – Part 1 with Trevor Covington

Watch video/ Download slides

Smart Aim and Global Aim Workshop

Watch video/ Download slides

Webinar: Making Telehealth Work in the Emergency Department – North Carolina’s Statewide Telepsychiatry Program (NC-STeP)

Watch video / Download slides

Webinar: Pediatric Needs During Times of Disaster – Part 2 with Trevor Covington

Watch video/ Download slides

Webinar: Emergency Department Provider Insights on Pediatric Mental Health – Role of the PMHCA with Ann Dietrich, MD

Watch video / Download slides

Webinar: ED Disposition and Safety Planning with Kim Burkhart, PhD

Watch video/ Download slides

Webinar: EIIC’s PMHCA QI Collaborative Meeting – Project Report

Watch video/ Download slides