PEPP Classes
PEPP represents a complete source of prehospital medical information for the emergency care of infants and children.
Class offerings include:
- Basic Life Support (BLS) course for Emergency Medical Responders (EMR)
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course for Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians (AEMT) and Paramedics
- Advanced Life Support (ALS) course is for Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians (AEMT) and Paramedics

PECC Targeted Issues Grant
We are learning how having a Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (PECC) can lead to better pediatric EMS quality of care and better outcomes

Our project, which is part of a four year grant (2019-2023), will determine:
- Whether having a pediatric emergency care coordinator (PECC) leads to better pediatric EMS quality of care and better outcomes
- How to promote, develop, and retain PECCs
- Family satisfaction with pediatric EMS, and whether PECCs make a difference
We have five agencies participating in the state of Connecticut and by utilizing simulations, offering toolkits, and evaluating experiences, we hope to gain insight into the role of an EMS PECC. Click here for more information.
CTEMSC offers in-person simulations of pediatric recreational emergencies (i.e. outdoor rescues). These simulations are CT OEMS approved for CME credits.
- Pediatric Recreational Emergency - 4 CME Credits
- Pediatric Airway Management - 1 CME Credit
- Pediatric Mental Health Emergencies - 2 CME Credits
Contact Megan Petrucelli, CTEMSC Program Coordinator for information and scheduling.

Please contact Megan Petrucelli, CTEMSC Program Coordinator with any questions.