Enrolling in NPRQI provides your team with powerful tools, expert guidance, and access to a national network focused on improving pediatric care standards. The enrollment process is efficient, requiring only 2 to 4 hours of hands-on time, with the overall process taking 4 to 6 weeks (including reviews and approvals). Each stage is simple and backed by our support team. Just follow these four easy steps:

Time required: 30 minutes

Provide the following information during registration:

  • Legal name of your facility
  • Pediatric Readiness score and date of last assessment (ask your ED nurse manager)
  • Annual pediatric patient volume
  • Trauma Quality Improvement Program number (consult your trauma coordinator) and American Hospital Association number
  • Names and emails for 1-5 users who will enter data, submit data, and/or view performance
  • Name and email of your hospital administrator who will sign the Participant Organization Agreement (POA)

To complete the POA:

  • Review the POA document outlining participation requirements.
  • Obtain a signature from your authorized individual.
  • Upload the signed POA into the enrollment portal.
  • Receive an executed copy from the University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School for your records.

Note: The routing and signature process varies by hospital and can average 30 days.

Time required: 5 minutes

To set up access:

  • Look for an email from Clario, the company that manages NPRQI’s platform, with your secure login credentials.
  • Ensure your IT Department whitelists tap.support@clario.com to receive the login email.

Time required: 35 minutes

Complete three required training modules:

  • Patient Safety Training Video (approx 13 minutes)
  • Data Entry Platform Technical Training Video (approx 19 minutes)
  • Platform Notifications Training Video (approx 3 minutes)

Complete your registration

Start your enrollment process