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Welcome to the Communities of Practice Domain of The Gulf 7 - Pediatric Disaster Network (G7), a group dedicated to the development and implementation of a network across the entire continuum of pediatric care. Our goal is to create a network of healthcare providers in the G7 network to share knowledge and expertise, and to support the dissemination of G7-specific interventions and data gathering. As part of the Communities of Practice Domain, we are responsible for developing and maintaining this network, which includes providers at every stage of the continuum of care, from prehospital providers such as paramedics and emergency medical technicians, to hospital-based providers such as pediatricians and nurses, to healthcare coalitions and state and federal partners. We are committed to providing educational tools and resources to support the growth and effectiveness of this network, and to ensuring that all members have the knowledge and skills they need to provide exceptional care to children and families affected by disasters in the Gulf Coast region. We are also responsible for overseeing the G7 website and its resources, including forums and webinars, to support ongoing learning and collaboration within the network. Our goal is to support the G7 network in its mission to provide exceptional care to children and families affected by disasters in the Gulf Coast region. Thank you for visiting our website and we hope you will join us in our mission to support the growth and effectiveness of the G7 network.