New Mexico — Targeted Issue

The School Nurse and EMS Online Training Project in New Mexico

March 1, 2004 - Feb. 28, 2007

Grant Number
Project Overview
Emergencies in schools are common. These emergencies involve students, staff, and school visitors, and be either medical or traumatic. School nurses are key personnel in the treatment of such emergencies. School nurses must be trained in emergency care and EMS. The overall goal of this project is to develop, disseminate, and evaluate a web-based, scenario-driven course to train school nurses in emergency care. Specifically, project staff will: (1) construct a Virtual School Nurse and EMS (VSNEMS) training course online with streaming video lectures and streaming video, and moulage scenarios; (2) train 200 school nurses in emergency care using the Virtual SNEMS learning course modules; and (3) improve school nurse performance in three areas: 1) on-line exam, 2) Confidence Surveys, 3) On-site Mock Emergency Scenario (OMES) tests.
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Main Contact
Award Amount


Name Role(s) Phone Email
Robert Sapien, MD, MMM
  • Principal Investigator
(505) 272-6349


Title Format Description Published/Revised Availability
EMSC Course Modules for EMS Personnel Education Module(s)/Curriculum Primarily targeting prehospital EMS personnel, this online training program includes nine modules: pediatric seizures, diabetes, blunt chest trauma, methamphetamine, child … 2008 Not Available
Virtual School Nurse and EMS Learning Project Education Module(s)/Curriculum Primarily targeting school nurses, this online training program includes 12 modules: emergency preparedness, EMS continuim of care, school emergency preparedness, … 2007 Not Available


Title Type Publication/Event Published/Presented Identifier Details
School nurse online emergency preparedness training: an analysis of knowledge, skills, and confidence Research Paper/Publication Journal of School Nursing 2010